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Nordea Bank

Nordea Bank innovation grows digital connections, enabling customers to make contact on their terms

Nordea Bank is on a journey of sustained innovation. Workforce optimisation, speech recognition, advanced call routing, chat and email, were all part of the transition. Removing the need for agents to switch between different screens made service faster and friendlier.

The latest advance has created more digital connections. Now, customers can enjoy a confidential, personalised video call from the comfort of their homes—removing the cost and hassle of traveling to the branch.

With a growing social media audience, agents can detect when customers browse the Nordea Bank Facebook page to quickly intercept common requests. By simply providing a link, the agent switches the conversation to instant messaging, where they can talk safely one on one.


  • Closely align service with customer expectations
  • Video banking eliminates the need for branch visits
  • Social media supports new business and future growth


  • Simplify and grow digital connections with customers

We believe customers should be able to contact us on their own terms—choosing where, when and how.

Jonas Björkman, Product Owner, Nordea Bank