Contact Centre Definitions

Glossary of contact centre, call centre and customer experience terms


Admin copilot

Admin copilot focuses on providing administrative personnel in contact centres with AI-powered tools to streamline operations. This includes automating scheduling, workforce management, analytics and reporting tasks. By leveraging AI, admin copilot helps in optimising resource allocation, predicting call volumes and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Advanced analytics capabilities

The application of sophisticated analytical tools and techniques to glean insights from data, enabling a business to identify and predict trends, understand customer behavior, and orchestrate experiences that satisfy customers and drive revenue.

Agent copilot

Agent copilot refers to an AI-driven feature within contact centre software that assists customer service agents by providing real-time information, suggestions and automated actions. It leverages natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to understand customer queries and guide agents with the best responses, knowledge articles or next steps, thereby improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

AI and customer loyalty

Companies can enhance customer loyalty over the long term by using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that enable them to personalise experiences, predict needs and engage customers in meaningful ways. With AI-powered technologies, companies can anticipate customer needs and provide personalised services that differentiate their brand across every interaction.

AI call center agent (AI call centre agent)

An AI call centre agent is a virtual agent powered by AI technologies designed to handle customer service interactions. It can understand and respond to customer queries, resolve issues and perform transactions. This offers a scalable and cost-effective way to handle high volumes of inbound requests without hiring additional human agents.

AI experience orchestration

Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to coordinate and manage customer experiences across various touchpoints and channels. AI compiles and analyses customer data, finding patterns and making recommendations on the next best step for a customer based on their needs and prior actions. Using AI, a much higher level of personalisation is possible.

AI summarization (AI summarisation)

AI summarisation in contact centres involves the use of AI technologies to automatically summarise customer interactions such as calls, chats and emails. This helps in quickly understanding the essence of customer queries or feedback without going through the entire content, enabling faster response times and more personalised service.

AI-driven analytics

The use of artificial intelligence to drive the gathering and analysis of large datasets, uncovering patterns and insights that can be used to inform business tactics and strategy. AI can be helpful in improving the customer experience, as it can surface the full range of customer data to see where an individual has been, what they’ve done, and then determine what they’re likely to do next.

AI-driven customer journey orchestration

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to dynamically manage and optimise the customer journey. AI gathers data from each customer touchpoint to discover where the customer has been, and uses that data to determine where they need to go next — working at scale, allowing for a fully personalised experience for every customer.

AI-driven personalized marketing (AI-driven personalised marketing)

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to tailor experiences to individual customers. When an organisation uses a modern customer experience (CX) platform with embedded AI capabilities, the organisation can deliver truly personalised experiences at scale across its global regions. Not only can AI understand and predict a customer’s intent, but it can also help them reach a resolution faster; if an interaction requires human support, the AI can recognise this and pass all the conversational history and context to the agent.

AI-driven real-time offers

Delivering personalised offers and recommendations to customers at the moment of engagement by using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse customer behavior and context in real time. These precisely timed content offers provide exceptional service and drive sales conversions.

AI-enabled customer insights

Insights derived from analysing customer data using artificial intelligence (AI). An example of these insights is AI-powered predictive engagement, which identifies customers’ behavior patterns to predict the segments they fit into and the outcomes that will occur. Those predictions can drive automated offers and more personalised conversations that increase satisfaction and strengthen loyalty.

AI-powered customer engagement platforms

Platforms that use artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and enhance customer interactions across voice and digital channels. These modern AI-powered platforms enable organisations to surprise and delight their customers with effortless, empathetic experiences. And these platforms enable organisations to compose their ideal solution from a vast array of native components, a broad partner ecosystem and open APIs.

Answering machine detection (AMD)

AMD technology, improved through machine learning, accurately identifies whether an incoming call is answered by a human or an answering machine. This enhances agent productivity by reducing the time spent on calls that do not reach a live person.

Automated call routing

Automated call routing uses AI to analyse incoming calls and direct them to the most appropriate agent based on the query’s complexity and the agent’s expertise. This technology improves efficiency by reducing wait times and ensuring customers are connected to the best available resource.

Automated personalization (Automated personalisation)

The use of technology to automatically deliver personalised content and experiences to customers based on data-driven insights into their needs, preferences and behaviors. Smart automation leverages customer, employee and interaction data to drive real-time action and simplify workflows — improving the user experience while increasing efficiency. Modern solutions enable organisations to leverage this real-time automation easily — and clearly understand and optimise outcomes — without a team of data scientists.

Automatic call distributor (ACD) (What Is An Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)?)

An automatic call distributor (ACD) is a telephony software system that answers incoming calls and routes them to a specific agent or department within a company.

Automatic number identification (ANI)

Automatic number identification. A series of numbers associated with a call. These numbers identify the phone number of the caller. Sometimes referred to as a “caller ID.”

Automation in customer service

The use of automation, including conversational AI (bots), to perform certain customer service tasks with limited or no human intervention.

Average handling time (AHT)

The amount of time an agent is occupied on an incoming call.


Back office optimization (What Is Back Office Optimisation?)

Back-office optimisation is the process of streamlining and automating workforce tasks that occur in a contact centre.

Brand reputation and awareness

The public’s level of knowledge and perception of a brand, which can be influenced by things like marketing, events and word of mouth. The ability to provide a seamless customer experience is one of the main pillars of a positive reputation.


Call center (What Is A Call Centre?)

A call centre is where an organisation handles customer telephone calls. Call centres typically use some amount of computer automation software.

Call center CRM (What Is Call Centre CRM?)

Call Centre Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a call centre technology solution that provides call centre agents with quick access to customer account information and history for great CX. Learn more at now.

Call center management (Call centre management)

The way in which organisations manage the daily operations of the call centre, including forecasting, scheduling, employee training, reporting, and all customer interactions. Call centre management can be modernised through use of workforce optimisation solutions.

Call center workforce planning (What Is Call Centre Workforce Planning?)

Call centre workforce planning is the process of aligning the strategic and operational elements of a call centre workforce with organisational objectives.

Call deflection

AI enables self-service options for customers, allowing them to complete tasks such as placing orders or checking balances without human agent intervention. Call deflection refers to the strategy of using AI to handle simple requests, freeing agents to focus on more complex interactions.

Chat messages (What Are Chat Messages?)

Chat messages are a type of communication that occur over the Internet. The most widely known way to use chat messages is on a website that lets you interact with a bot or agent to address a question or concern.

Cloud call center (What Is A Cloud Call Centre?)

A cloud call centre is a web accessible platform where customer calls and interactions are handled.

Compliance confidence

AI technologies can ensure compliance by monitoring call interactions for adherence to scripts, regulations and company standards. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and enhances the quality of customer interactions.

Consistent customer experience

Consistency in practice and measurement allows businesses to orchestrate consistent experiences for their customers seamlessly across all touchpoints and channels that a brand offers, regardless of the medium or the platform.

Contact center (What Is A Contact Centre?)

A contact centre is a modern call centre. It manages inbound and outbound customer communications through a variety of channels.

Contact center CRM (What Is Contact Centre CRM?)

Contact centre customer relationship management (CRM) is a contact centre software solution that provides agents with quick access to customer account information to deliver great customer experience. Learn more at now.

Contact center management

The way in which organisations manage the daily operations of the contact centre workforce, across multiple touchpoints and channels, in order to accommodate omnichannel customer journeys.

Contact center workflow management (What Is Workflow Management?)

Workflow management is the process of optimising a company’s business processes using automation.

Contact center workforce optimization (Contact centre workforce optimisation)

A customer experience strategy that integrates contact centre technologies and processes in order to deliver seamless omnichannel customer journeys in a multi-channel workforce.

Contact center workforce planning (What Is Contact Centre Workforce Planning?)

Contact centre workforce planning is the process of aligning the strategic and operational elements of a contact centre workforce with organisational objectives.

What Is Contact Centre As A Service?

Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) is a cloud-based customer experience solution that allows companies to utilise a contact centre provider’s software.

Contextual support in customer service

Providing relevant, effective customer assistance that takes into account the context of the customer’s situation, history and current needs — even anticipating what they might need next. Artificial intelligence (AI) enables this contextual support by listening, understanding and engaging with customers through natural language. And since AI understands and predicts intent, it can help customers reach resolutions faster. It can even recognise when a customer needs human support, and then pass that conversational history and insight to an agent.

Conversational AI for call centers (Conversational AI for call centres)

Conversational AI refers to the use of chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI technologies to simulate humanlike conversations with customers. In call centres, it’s used to automate responses, handle routine inquiries and provide 24/7 support, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.


In the context of AI and contact centre software, copilot is a general term for an AI assistant that supports various roles (agents, supervisors and admins) by providing real-time assistance, insights and automation capabilities. It enhances decision-making, productivity and customer experiences through intelligent recommendations and actions.

Cross-functional collaboration

The process of breaking down silos within an organisation in order to allow various departments to work together toward common business goals.

Customer behavior analysis

The study of consumers’ purchasing patterns and engagement with a brand to better understand their preferences, needs and decision-making processes

Customer churn

The rate at which customers stop doing business with a company. This could be a symptom of dissatisfaction with a product, preference for the experience of buying from a competitor and more. Seamless, individualised customer experiences help to reduce churn by building emotional connections and increasing brand loyalty.

Customer data integration

The process of gathering, consolidating and managing customer information from all available sources to provide a single, comprehensive view of the customer across an organisation.

Customer data utilization (Customer data utilisation)

The strategic use of customer data to inform business decisions, personalise customer experiences and drive growth. While modern companies find themselves awash in information from various channels, customer journey analytics empowers them to gain the full power of data across previously disconnected business units and channels. By integrating data across all touchpoints, leading organisations can see the complete picture of customer interactions, understand how that affects their bottom line and make improvements accordingly.

Customer experience (CX)

CX is made of individual customer touchpoints. The sum of all experiences a customer has with a company over the lifecycle of their relationship is called a customer journey.

Customer experience platform

Contact center infrastructure, available from the cloud or on-premises, that supports the design, orchestration, monitoring, and tuning of customer journeys across voice and digital channels.

Customer feedback analysis with AI

Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse customer feedback across a variety of channels such as product reviews, social media and emails. This AI-powered analysis enables an organisation to extract valuable insights that it can use to improve its products, services and customer experiences over time.

Customer journey

The customer journey consists of multiple touchpoints and key interactions each customer or prospect has with a company—including messaging, employees, processes, products or services. Single or multiple interactions can be considered a customer journey and are part of a holistic customer experience lifecycle.

Customer journey management

Customer journey management is the practice of using behavioral trends and technology to influence and optimise the customer experience (CX). Customer journey management aims to minimise the customer effort across all channels and touchpoints, ensuring a seamless experience every time a customer interacts with your company.

Customer journey map

A customer journey map is a visualisation of the paths customers take across channels and over time. These maps enable teams to broaden their perspective beyond internal goals to include the customer's perspective.

Customer journey optimization (Customer journey optimisation)

Customer journey optimisation is the process of connecting and mapping customer interactions, across multiple touchpoints, in order to direct or influence the end-to-end experience.

Customer loyalty and engagement

Strategies and practices aimed at building long-term relationships with customers, encouraging repeat business and fostering a positive connection between the brand and its customers.

Customer retention

The ability of a company to retain its customers over time, often achieved by providing a customer experience that continuously meets or exceeds expectations.

Customer retention strategies

Approaches and tactics that companies use to keep their customers engaged and loyal over time. These strategies can range from promoting shared values to providing empathetic customer service to fostering word-of-mouth support. Businesses that are effective in retaining their customers over the long term increase their earnings while enhancing their brand recognition and industry prominence.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

A measurement that determines how an organisation meets the expectations of its customers based on satisfaction. Customers are asked a question following a transaction about their satisfaction with the company, which is then rated from one (very dissatisfied) to five (very satisfied).

Customer segmentation and AI

Using artificial intelligence to match a prospect or customer to the appropriate segments. These segments can classify intent and priority, identifying the likely interests, shopping preferences and buying behaviors of a customer based on similar previous customers. This enables organisations to personalise experiences by determining when and where to engage customers with an automated content offer, bot or agent-assisted service.

Customer service

Customer service is the assistance and service provided by an organisation to customers before, during, and after the purchase of products or services.

Customer support optimization

Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of customer service operations to create a more seamless end-to-end experience for the customer. Optimising customer support and orchestrating smoother experiences improves response times, resolution rates and overall customer satisfaction.

Customized learning paths (Customised learning paths)

Tailoring educational content and experiences to fit the individual needs of learners. With modern workforce engagement management capabilities, businesses can empower each employee with a personalised development hub that puts them in control. They can manage their performance and access assigned learning content and coaching sessions — all while staying on top of their work. And the business can build learning modules to train or inform its employees, and assign assessment modules to better evaluate their knowledge and skill levels.


Digital commerce experiences

The design and delivery of online shopping experiences that are personalised, engaging and convenient for customers. When a company uses a modern customer experience (CX) platform, it can enhance interactions across various digital touchpoints, providing the right web content that offers the right next steps based on a customer’s individual needs, preferences and experiences.


Emotional connections with customers

Building meaningful relationships with customers based on empathy and feeling. A smooth and seamless customer journey that serves your customers in the way they’re looking for displays empathy and builds that connection.

Empathetic customer experiences

Designing customer interactions and experiences that demonstrate an understanding of and care for the customer’s needs and feelings.

Ethical AI

The practice of designing, developing and deploying artificial intelligence systems in a manner that is morally responsible and aligns with ethical values. Ethical AI should follow strict guidelines that safeguard businesses by applying AI with a purpose, adhering to data standards and addressing bias. There should be privacy design principles that protect customer and employee data along with intellectual property. Explainability and transparency should offer insight into how algorithms are applied, enabling comprehension of operational impacts while maintaining control over the outcomes.

Event personalization techniques (Event personalisation techniques)

Strategies used to customise individual touchpoints for customers based on knowledge of their needs, preferences and behaviors. Personalising events is an important part of the process of experience orchestration, which intends to personalise entire experiences for customers. This increases customer engagement and satisfaction alike.

Experience orchestration

Experience orchestration enables you to coordinate technology based on the experience you want your customers to have across all channels of engagement. Businesses use it to build deeper, more loyal relationships as part of a guided process for consistent service. It also helps derive valuable context for the business. It works by using automation to create real-time insight about customer interactions. You can use this for proactive decision-making, taking action when it will be most impactful and appropriate.


Hosted contact center (Hosted contact centre)

A hosted contact centre is a customer experience solution where an organisation’s central point of inbound and outbound communications are hosted on a service provider’s back-office systems, therefore offering lower cost of ownership.

Hosted dialer (What Is A Hosted Dialler?)

A hosted dialler is a contact centre cloud-based technology that enables cross-channel contact strategies to maximise the time agents spend on the phone.

Hyper-personalization (Hyper-personalisation)

An advanced level of personalisation that leverages real-time data and artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver highly relevant and individualised customer experiences. It’s both an art and a science that requires sharing information and context across voice and digital channels. And this requires the deployment of a modern customer experience platform that breaks down silos across channels, departments and touchpoints to create seamlessly connected experiences, journeys and relationships.


Individualized customer experiences (Individualised customer experiences)

Creating unique customer experiences that cater to the specific needs and preferences of the individual customer. An individualised customer experience that’s orchestrated by your business to meet your customer’s goals can help build a deeper connection — as well as customer loyalty.

Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs)

IVAs are AI-powered agents capable of managing two-way text conversations in addition to voice interactions. They can set sales appointments, schedule callbacks and handle customer service inquiries, allowing human agents to focus on more complex tasks.


Journey analytics

Customer journey analytics is the science of analysing customer behavior across touchpoints and over time to measure the impact of customer behavior on business outcomes.

Journey mapping

Journey mapping is the process of visually illustrating the actions and perceptions customers take or have as they achieve their goals throughout a relationship with your company. Journey mapping helps cross-functional teams align on ideal journeys that can improve the customer's experience.

Journey orchestration engine

A technology platform that enables businesses to design, manage and optimise customer journeys across multiple channels and touchpoints. Most effective journey orchestration engines will use artificial intelligence (AI) to surface and analyse customer data, delivering the best next step toward the goal the customer wants to achieve.


Mobile voice (What Is Mobile Voice?)

Mobile voice is the emerging technology that combines recent advances in mobile and voice recognition.

Modern contact center (What Is A Modern Contact Centre?)

A moderns contact centre is a central point in an enterprise from which all inbound and outbound customer communications are managed.

Multi-channel Cloud Call Center (What Is A Multichannel Cloud Call Centre?)

A multichannel cloud call centre is a CX platform that integrates multiple touchpoints while reducing incremental costs to modernising call centre capabilities

Multichannel cloud contact center (Multichannel cloud contact centre)

A multi-channel cloud contact centre is a customer experience (CX) solution that integrates multiple touchpoints – including voice, text, social media and the web – making them accessible via an Internet server. A multi-channel cloud contact centre can be accessed from virtually anywhere, eliminating the need for increased physical infrastructure while meeting the evolving demands of today’s customer communication preferences.


Negative customer experiences

Interactions with a brand that fail to solve a customer’s problem, make an issue worse or create a new concern.


Omnichannel cloud call center

An omnichannel cloud call center is a multi-channel contact center that delivers seamless customer experiences across all touchpoints leveraging modern cloud based infrastructure and services. In a cloud-based contact center, the company does not actually own, host or operate any equipment that the call center runs on; rather a third party service provider hosts the call center infrastructure in their own data center and the company will pay a monthly or annual service fee for hosting the infrastructure.

Omnichannel cloud contact center (What Is An Omnichannel Cloud Contact Centre?)

An omnichannel cloud contact centre is a multichannel customer experience strategy that seamlessly connects all touchpoints and is available via an Internet server.

Omnichannel customer experience

An omnichannel customer experience is made up of individual customer touchpoints, over a variety of channels that seamlessly connect, allowing customers to pick up where they left off on one channel and continue the experience on another.

Omnichannel customer journey

An omnichannel customer journey consists of key interactions over multiple touchpoints between customer or prospect and a company during the point of sale and throughout the customer lifecycle.

Omnichannel customer service (What Is Omnichannel Customer Service?)

Omnichannel customer service consists of numerous interactions across multiple touch points between a customer, or prospective customer, and product or service provider.


Personalized marketing campaigns (Personalised marketing campaigns)

Marketing efforts that are tailored to the individual preferences, behaviors and needs of specific customers. Personalisation helps ensure every part of a customer’s experience is relevant to their goals, removing unnecessary friction and improving engagement and conversion rates — along with customer satisfaction.

Personalized offers (Personalised offers)

Promotions or deals created for individual customers, based on their preferences, purchase history and behavior. Personalisation helps to ensure a business offers specific customers things that they want, thereby improving their buying experience.

Predictive customer behavior modeling

Using data analytics and machine learning to predict future customer behaviors and the goals they’re trying to achieve based on information such as their past interactions. With these predictive insights, organisations can engage the customer at the right time and in the right way. For example, a company could proactively offer a precisely timed chat that’s personalised using insights from the data analysis. Over time, machine learning can iterate and improve the predictive model based on additional customer interactions.

Predictive dialing (What Is Predictive Dialling?)

Predictive dialling is a method of making several automated outbound calls without using agents. Answered calls are then passed to agents.

Private branch exchange (PBX) (What Is A Private Branch Exchange (PBX)?)

Private branch exchange (PBX) is a private telephone network used within a company. Users can communicate internally and externally using different communication channels like VoIP, ISDN or analogue.


Quick customer resolutions

The ability of a business to rapidly assess, address and solve customer service issues. Customer journey management allows a business to predict potential issues and either eliminate them preemptively or solve them more quickly on a case-by-case basis.


Real-time customer journey management

The practice of monitoring and influencing a customer’s journey as it happens, using data analytics and automation to orchestrate experiences that align your actions with your customer’s goals.

Real-time data and analytics

Powered by AI, real-time data and analytics provide instant snapshots of business operations, customer behavior and market trends at a moment in time, allowing businesses to react to changes in the customer experience immediately and solve issues quickly.

Real-time personalization (Real-time personalisation)

Tailoring the customer’s experience in real time, based on live interactions and instant data. As a part of the experience orchestration process, this is typically accomplished with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Real-time personalisation allows a business to enhance the relevance of every customer interaction and increase engagement, helping each customer achieve their distinct goals.

Revision Of: Auto Dialer (Revision Of: What Is An Auto Dialer?)

An auto dialer is an outbound call centre solution that automatically dials customer telephone numbers and can deliver important information through an automated message.

Revision Of: What Is Call Centre Management?

Call centre management is the way in which organisations manage the daily operations of the call centre, including forecasting, scheduling, reporting & training.


Segmentation strategies

Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics or behaviors who might require separate products or marketing approaches. Leading companies now use artificial intelligence (AI)-powered insights to segment their customers based on their behavior and surface cross-channel histories of their interactions. With these insights, these industry leaders can increase satisfaction and loyalty by showing how deeply they know the customer, predicting intent, delivering precisely-timed actions and more.

Supervisor copilot

Supervisor copilot is an AI tool designed to aid supervisors in monitoring and managing the performance of agents in a contact centre. It offers insights into call quality, agent productivity and customer satisfaction metrics. By analysing interactions, it can identify coaching opportunities and recommend interventions to improve team performance and ensure compliance with service standards.


Tailored interactions

Customising communications between a business and a customer so that each customer’s unique needs are met.

Trunk (What Is A Trunk)

A trunk is a communication line or physical link, such as a wire or optical line, designed to carry multiple signals simultaneously.


Up-selling and cross-selling opportunities

Selling a customer either a superior/higher-priced version of a product, or a product from a different category that complements their original purchase.


Virtual agent (What Is A Virtual Agent?)

A virtual agent is a contact centre capability that uses a virtual character, created through computer generation, animation and artificial intelligence, that acts as a virtual customer service agent.

Virtual call center (VCC) (What Is A Virtual Call Centre?)

A virtual call centre is a solution that supports contact centre agents who are dispersed geographically to provide customer service interactions.

Virtual contact center (VCC) (What Is A Virtual Contact Centre?)

A virtual contact centre (VCC) is a solution that supports contact centre agents in various geographical locations instead of a single physical location.

Voice over IP (VoIP) (What Is VoIP?)

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a technology that converts your voice into a digital signal, allowing you to make a call directly from a computer, a VoIP phone or another data-driven device.

Voice platform (What Is A Voice Platform?)

A voice platform executes the commands and logic specified by a voice application, provides speech processing capabilities and enables application creation.


A voicebot is an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software application that interacts with users through spoken language using voice recognition, natural language processing (NLP) and speech synthesis technologies. It converts spoken words into text, understands the user’s intent and generates spoken responses, facilitating seamless, hands-free interactions. Voicebots are widely used in customer service to provide quick and accurate responses, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.


Workforce optimization (WFO) (What Is Workforce Optimisation?)

Workforce optimisation is a strategy used to integrate siloed technologies and automate processes to reduce operational costs.

Workforce planning (What Is Workforce Planning?)

Workforce planning is the process of aligning the operational and strategic elements of a workforce with organisational objectives.