Increase sales conversions with advanced customer engagement tools

Connect qualified leads with the right salesperson

Your ability to quickly close deals depends on the quality of your customer engagement. You have to holistically understand the customer’s journey. Then you can offer assistance at the right moment. You want to reach a qualified lead with the right rep and the right information at the right time. Whether it’s an acquisition, an up-sell or a win back, provide your team with the customer details, engagement techniques and insights to close more deals.

MIT Technology Review: Getting to iconic—how iconic brands balance talent and technology for CX excellence

Increase conversions with multichannel campaigns

Updating your outbound strategy to include automated communications across multiple channels dramatically increases conversion rates. Proactively communicate with prospects and existing customers in a timely, personalized and contextual way. Keeping customers informed and sharing notifications over their preferred channels also opens new up-sell opportunities.

Turn visitors into customers with proactive engagement

Turn visitors into customers with proactive engagement

If you understand your customer’s online journey or knowledge search, you can proactively engage them with web chat, callback and proactive notification. Provide sales reps with full customer context to reduce abandonment and solve customer purchasing problems without having to change channels. Improve campaign attribution accuracy as customers move between channels. Extend the insights you gain from their online journey into offline channels to boost sales success.

“We’re having conversations that we would not have otherwise been having.  These are new conversations—customers in the past had browsed the website and dropped off.”

Paul Cahill, Head of Digital and Direct, Credit Union of Australia

Get actionable insights from your customer data

Your team needs accurate real-time insights into customer trends and behaviors. Give it to them with interaction analytics. Automatically record every customer interaction, including screens, then mine that data. Provide your reps with the information they need to better engage the customer in acquisition, up-sell or win-back discussions.

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Deliver high value leads to your sales team instantly

Deliver high-value leads to your sales team instantly

Qualified leads lose their value if they aren’t quickly distributed to the right salesperson. Use business automation to prioritize and distribute leads based on their value and timeliness. Get them to the right rep automatically for fast follow-up. Use automation to recapture and prioritize lost online sales opportunities so that a rep can turn abandonments into sales.

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