Bring service strategies to life with a flexible ACD

Bring service strategies to life with a flexible acd   hero glass

Optimize every inbound interaction with ACD

Leverage employees’ proficiencies efficiently

Manual agent administration wastes time and money. Simplify the process using a dynamic agent that queues assignments based on skill expressions and proficiency levels.

Reduce average handle time

Business KPIs depend on how you distribute interactions. Lower average handle time and costs with intelligent automatic call distribution (ACD) that expands agent skills.

Deliver a better customer experience

Poor resolution rates, multiple transfers and long wait times negatively affect customer satisfaction. Meet evolving customer expectations with smarter routing decisions.

Get flexible routing with an AI-driven ACD — no matter your business size

Video Thumbnail – Routing 101

AI-driven routing

Attach routing selection data to each call. Enable business intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify behaviors that translate into decisions, such as skill combinations that improve first-call resolution.

Dynamic agent-queue membership

Improve routing effectiveness by using dynamic skills and proficiency expressions to link inbound call center agents to queue membership. This simplifies routing administration and improves matching results.

Basic ACD routing

Keep routing simple at all types of call centers. Send interactions to the agent who’s been idle the longest. If all agents are busy, send the interaction to the first available agent.

Skills-based routing

Match customers with agents who have the right expertise to resolve their issues quickly. Skills-based routing gets customers to the right agent the first time — no matter the channel.

Bullseye routing

Route customer interactions to a targeted sub-queue of agents with specific skills. If no agents are available, it relaxes the requested skills based on queue configuration and automatically expands the pool of agents.

Preferred agent routing

Select which agents should handle specific interactions based on the characteristics you specify. This could include skill set, responsibilities or existing customer relationships.

Conditional routing

Meet SLAs, even in the most demanding conditions. Easily set up automatic agent borrow-and-lend conditions in multiple call queues with conditional routing. This improves agent utilization with minimal admin effort.

Data-based routing modifications

Easily incorporate CRM and other back-end system customer data in your call routing decisions to drive greater business results through proper segmentation, prioritization and personalization.

Developer-friendly framework

Enhance and customize your routing logic by leveraging your developer expertise. Incorporate dynamic distribution and skills expressions by pulling data from different back-end systems or through centralized data tables.

Turn your ACD into an intelligent routing system

Customers contact you to get questions answered quickly. When they don’t connect with the right expert the first time, customer satisfaction drops. They’ll even switch channels until they get what they need. Blood pressure rises — and so do your costs.

Break the cycle. A smart routing system can match customers with the right agent who has the right information. And that turns service problems into opportunities.

When customers get what they need quickly, everybody wins. Both customers and employees are happier, which improves sales conversions and maximizes the potential of employee resources.

Boost business with a routing system that’s simple and powerful

Customers expect businesses to be available on the channels they use every day. This means you can’t just receive calls — your contact center needs to take on messaging apps, social media, chat and more. With ACD from Genesys, you can engage with your customers anytime, anywhere, and select the routing model that works best for the customer based on your service strategy.

Get an all-in-one inbound call center solution

Unlike many other ACD providers, Genesys enables your ACD to run within a single provider. Each component — ACD, interactive voice response, outbound, quality management and workforce management — is built to work together. This gives you simplicity, speed, cost savings and efficiency.

Route voice and digital communications seamlessly

Turn customers’ calls, email messages, tasks, chats and social comments into a seamless experience. Give employees integrated insights from past interactions across all channels. Agents have all the context they need to facilitate smooth interactions — in a single product.

Let contact center agents work from anywhere

Distributed and remote agents are key to modern customer experience strategies. Genesys routing makes it easy to create one virtual contact center. Agents can work from different offices, countries and homes — and we support partner use. You get a unified virtual team that’s easy to manage and uses diverse skills and broader geographical reach.

Quickly set up the routing option that works best for you

Choose from a variety of routing algorithms to bring your service strategy and goals to life. Admins can easily set up and maintain routing parameters and methods in a single user interface (UI), reducing service interruptions and training. Using a single UI also reduces the risk of unexpected behaviors through error-free configuration.

See what our customers have to say

Discover how advanced ACD routing drives better outcomes

Offer the ultimate routing experience

Routing phone calls, SMS, chats, email messages and social comments to the right support in real time shows customers you understand their needs. Elevate your routing strategy with an ACD system from Genesys. Request a demo today to see how you can improve outcomes for your existing and potential customers, as well as your employees and business.

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Frequently asked automatic call distribution questions

What is the difference between ACD and IVR?

ACD, or automatic call distribution, and IVR are two different technologies used in call centers. ACD is responsible for routing incoming calls to the most suitable agent or department based on predefined rules, such as skills or availability. IVR is an automated system that interacts with callers through voice or touch-tone input, providing information or routing the call based on the customer’s responses.

What does automatic call distribution do?

Automatic call distribution (ACD) is a telephony technology that manages incoming calls and distributes them to the appropriate agent within a call center. ACD systems can route calls based on different criteria, such as the reason for the call, the skills required to handle the call, the workload or agent availability. Agent-based distribution is particularly useful in situations where customer issues could require specific knowledge, like tech support.

What is the difference between ACD and PBX?

A PBX, or a private branch exchange, is an internal phone network used by businesses to allow for inbound and outbound calling, call forwarding, voicemail, and more. It’s the platform on which a business’ telephony lives and works. An ACD system can be a feature within a PBX, used to manage inbound calls, ensuring that they’re routed to the agent who’s best positioned to help the customer most quickly.

How does ACD software distribute calls to agents?

Automatic call distribution leverages data to organize callers in a queue, and then prioritize certain callers and direct them to certain agents based on rules that you define. Some of the data involved in that decision-making process includes the customer’s needs and the skills that might be needed to handle the customer’s issue, as well as agent expertise, agent workload and agent availability. AI-powered ACD software does this more efficiently and intelligently, balancing agent fit against wait time to deliver the best possible user experience to the customer.

How does automatic call distribution improve customer service?

The primary goal of ACD software is to ensure that customers who call your business with an issue are helped as quickly as possible. It detected when an agent was available to assist, with the aim of achieving service level goals and abandonment goals, as well as driving occupancy up. Modern, AI-powered ACD software can take that to the next level by assessing agent fit as well as wait time, and helping to determine whether the cost of making a customer wait for the agent best suited to solve an issue is outweighed by the benefit of a quicker and potentially better solution once the agent and customer are connected. Smarter routing decisions via AI-powered ACD improve resolution rates, reduce the number of transfers per call, decrease wait times and more.