Who doesn’t want to grow their customer base? Or reach customers in a more meaningful way at precisely the right moment? What company doesn’t want to get their customers to take the desired actions faster?

Yes, that’s what we thought you’d say — that’s what we all want. And, that’s why we knew this ‘next best action’ was the right one for Genesys.

So, today we are announcing our acquisition of Altocloud, a leading customer journey analytics provider. Altocloud’s cloud-based digital customer engagement solution combines artificial intelligence and real-time communications with voice, video and messaging interactions to optimize and connect the entire customer journey.

The company is doing some very cool things that are changing the way companies interact with customers across their entire business – from marketing to sales to service. What Altocoud does is so cool that even industry analyst firm Gartner named them a “Cool Vendor.”

Sales and marketing – reinvented

To really put this all into perspective and drive home the tremendous opportunity this brings to businesses, let’s consider an everyday example: online shopping. Many online shoppers browse a site and place items into the cart without ever completing the transaction. In fact, the average shopping cart abandonment rate for e-commerce sites is 69.23 percent, according to Baymard Institute.

Now consider how different that online shopping experience could look if the retailer knew just when the shopper was about to jump ship and could intervene with a chat, video or even a phone call. They could intercept the customer at just the right moment to drive them toward the desired action: buying the products in their cart.

Better business through Blended AI

At Genesys, we’re no strangers to customer journey management, but with Altocloud, we’re taking our existing capabilities to the next level. Now, we can help companies intervene at the precise point in the customer journey with the best appropriate action that helps move them down the path to purchase. This gives businesses a more dynamic way to drive better business results – to turn opportunities into leads and leads into sales. And now, with the combined power of Genesys and Altocloud, they’ll have just that.

In addition, Altocloud’s customer journey management solution pairs well with our Blended AI strategy, which combines AI with the power of the human touch. This is furthered by Kate, the personification of Genesys AI, automation and machine learning, who helps customers and live agents solve problems faster and more efficiently.

Hello, Galway!

In addition to boosting our ability to deliver cutting-edge journey management and analytics, this acquisition enables us to grow our AI expertise. Altocloud has an incredibly talented and innovative team, and there’s no denying they’re a great addition to the Genesys organization both technically and culturally.

From an architectural perspective, because Altocloud is a true cloud offering built upon microservices, it really is a perfect complement to our development strategy for our three core offerings, PureEngage, PureConnect, and PureCloud.

The Altocloud acquisition also gives Genesys a presence in an exciting emerging technology hub – Galway, Ireland. And, we look forward to further growing and investing in the Galway team in the foreseeable future.

I could go on about why this is such a great pairing, but to put it simply…we’re energized by the infusion of new talent and technology that has come into the Genesys fold and we extend a warm welcome to Team Altocloud!

Genesys customers can begin benefiting from our new capabilities in the second half of the year.