It’s difficult to define a perfect customer experience. What works for one person might not be the best for another. By researching what matters most to customers and optimizing their journeys, companies move closer to offering the seamless and personalized engagements customers want. Driving those personalized customer experiences creates trust and loyalty – and builds lifetime value.

To do this, Genesys product teams invite customers — the authentic voices of customer experience — to tell us what matters most to them in CX solutions. Leveraging what we learn, we design experiences to address the needs, behaviors and challenges expressed. Ultimately, we connect with customers throughout the design and development phases to ensure they’re heard and understood.

Sponsor User Program Availability

The Sponsor User Program is available to companies and individuals from all geographic regions. Because Genesys customers who use our products are the experts, we want to hear their feedback from across the globe.

When companies join the program, their employees participate in co-creation activities — from user research sessions to design thinking workshops. Once we collect enough insights, we offer customized presentations to customers to return the knowledge about their experiences.

Participants work closely with Genesys, becoming part of the team throughout the product lifecycle — from design to development — to ensure it continues to deliver value. At this level of engagement, participants engage in presentations to Genesys product leadership. This experience allows them to progress from answering questions about their experiences to sharing perspectives.

Sponsor user program image

Together, teams create a new level of connection between customer service professionals and the multidisciplinary teams that shape their experiences.

The Sponsor User Program is open to anyone — from Genesys customers to any individual working in the customer service industry. You don’t have to work directly with Genesys products to be involved.

Sponsor User Program Benefits

Participating companies and individuals have the opportunity to influence existing and future experiences.

Benefits for all participants include:

  • Ability to connect directly with Genesys teams to influence and shape the direction of customer experiences
  • Get previews of upcoming Genesys projects
  • Share their perspectives in presentations to Genesys leadership

Genesys customer-specific benefits include:

  • Gain insights about teams through custom presentations
  • Get early access to new Genesys features and/or products (via betas*)

How to Get Started with the Sponsor User Program

The first step to join the Genesys Sponsor User Program is to create a company profile or an individual profile online. Once complete, these profiles match customers and individuals with user research studies, design thinking workshops and more.

When a company or individual is a match for an upcoming project, we’ll contact them to inform them about the opportunity. Participants receive rewards based on the type of studies they complete.

This is your chance to help shape the future of customer experience.

Genesys CEO Tony Bates and Dr. Natalie Petouhoff stated in their recent book, Empathy in Action™: “These aren’t merely business values. These are human values. And we still believe that human values power the best experiences and the best possible realities for us all. We are all more than customers, and we are all more than employees— we’re people first. It’s time to make customer and employee experiences truly personal.”

Join the Sponsor User Program today to help make customer and employee experiences truly personal.