As Cersei Lannister taught Ned Stark, “When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” Customer experience works the same way. There are fewer dragons and swords, but your business wins or perishes on the customer experience it provides.

In the CX Game of Thrones, who wears the crown? Sales owns customer relationships; marketing owns customer data; customer service owns customer engagement. But in the end, the customer is always the king.  And, these days, the king wants you to remember all past interactions and context. To do that, you need an optimal artificial intelligence (AI) strategy that incorporates an open platform that integrates with third party AI, data and systems with a blended AI approach to seamlessly transition from self-service to assisted service—all while preserving full context.

The Role of Blended AI in the Customer Journey

Customer journeys pass through several touchpoints—one journey with many potential moments across voice, digital, social and mobile. These moments are increasingly served by self-service automation and artificial intelligence.

Self-service and automation are no longer about deflecting customers, but instead aim to proactively engage with customers in their preferred channel and provide them a personalized journey. See how Kate improves customer experience with proactive chatbot or Facebook Messenger to create efficiencies and improve sales and experience.

For example, Marks & Spencer proactively engaged with customers on their website journeys, resulting in additional revenue of £1.5 million and payback in less than four months. Vodafone Germany is transforming customer experience and journey across channels.

Where Does the Battleplan Start with Blended AI?

Address a narrowly focused issue or repeatable task to reduce costs, and increase efficiency before expanding focus and tie it to your Blended AI strategy.

  1. Reserve your seat and sign up today for a workshop to build a bot in just half a day!
  2. Check out more than 80 pre-built and configurable microapps—all designed to meet customer service needs across a range of industries.
  3. Check out our Blended AI for Customer Experience eBook to view detailed use cases with video demonstrations for blended AI.

By the end of Season 7 of Game of Thrones, we saw the houses of Lannister, Stark, and Targaryen joining forces to stand a chance of beating the ultimate enemy, the White Walkers, in the impending Great War. To win the CX Game of Thrones and beat the competition means uniting your siloed data, systems, and channels with an open platform and blended AI — all designed to improve your customer journey.