The most successful companies put their customers first. We’re all customers — and real changes happen when companies are people-centric. When companies shift from business-centric to people-centric, they move from siloed marketing, sales and customer service interactions to a holistic customer lifecycle experience. They advance human understanding at every level using technology that delivers a customer’s human needs — to be remembered, heard and understood. That’s the key to Super Human Service 

“For us, Super Human Service means that customers sense your smile through the phone. Genesys allows us to do that and focus on people, not technology,” said Blake Stockslager, CIO at Twiddy & Company.   

Twiddy & Company, a vacation rental company, knew its legacy contact center solution couldn’t properly support customer, employee or business needs — especially when travel volume increased for the summer season. It needed to scale up resources to meet these demands. Additionally, the company wanted to offer customers more personalized service, including a chatbot to streamline check-in and ordering. Stockslager wanted a cloud solution that encompassed digital, voice, chatbots and workforce engagement management (WEM) for its remote team.  

“We knew that we never wanted to worry about managing hardware, scaling issues or complex licensing models again,” said Stockslager. “Plus, we wanted a better approach for employees who now found themselves working remotely. Genesys ticked all the boxes, especially for ease of use.” 

After migrating to the Genesys Cloud platform, Twiddy saw a 90% reduction in wait time, which allowed its customer service representatives to solve customer requests faster. It also can now scale workforce management, based on data, with the number of agents needed for various seasons. And the IT department isn’t bogged down with software updates.  

“Our supervisors can do so much more without involving IT, which lightens our reactive workload and allows us to continue to build for our future,” said Stockslager. “Before Genesys, we’d often work overtime and it could require several weeks to design, test and push service enhancements. Now, it usually only takes a few days.” 

Xerox wanted a partner who shared its emphasis on human understanding at every level. Contact center leaders at the company realized Genesys was that partner. And it took the steps to overcome immediate challenges and move to the next level for customer and employee experiences.  

“When you look at all of this real-time dynamic data and rich data, it helps us be very proactive in the types of experiences we want to design for going forward,” said Naresh Shanker, Chief Technology Officer at Xerox. “In addition, it has also laid the building blocks for a very strong case for driving what I would call the whole omnichannel customer experience journey going forward.”  

Laying the foundations for omnichannel CX, Xerox is already reaping the rewards from a standardized, resilient global platform. It has retired seven legacy solutions — reducing technology debt and unifying customer journeys. Other benefits include simplified call designs and enhanced routing and processes for adding new business groups. The company has also unified 3,600 agents working in 14 different languages. 

“When you actually design for great customer experience, they fall in love with the brand. And when they fall in love with the brand, then that leads to a life-long experience in engagement,” said Shanker.  

Technology That Delivers on Human Needs 

Shifting to a people-centric technology approach creates a true differentiator in customer service. You increase your revenue, build customer loyalty and improve employee retention. And you can do this all with Genesys 

Genesys technology enables your business to create new customer experiences that are personal — and that empowers you to build new paths for empathy. You’ll take the steps to know your customers through data and personalize every interaction and preferences. That creates customer smiles.  

Being people-centric extends to your employees, too. When you equip your customer service agents with the right technology, they have the right information at just the right time, across every channel and interaction. That means they perform better and they’re more engaged. And that’s the essence of Super Human Service.

The business of elevating the human experience and providing Super Human Service goes beyond Genesys. Our partners are reframing business imperatives through a lens of empathy. And they leverage chatbots, digital channels, email and voice to be sure people are remembered, heard and understood.  

Together, we’re advancing human understanding and the next-best action — for your customers, employees and business — in the contact center and beyond. Learn more about Super Human Service.