I am always fascinated by customer experience because it’s truly an art and a science — both creative and technical. Like an amazing piece of music, meaningful and differentiated customer experience requires both disciplines. And while there is no singular, cookie-cutter way to get it right, it does require the right tools and mindset to make it happen.

Driving the ability to achieve today’s most artful customer experiences is the rise of cloud contact center technology. As the recipient of the Frost & Sullivan 2018 North American Hosted/Cloud Contact Center Market Leadership Award, Genesys is honored to be recognized for our cloud solutions and ongoing commitment to innovations that are helping businesses of all sizes master the art of customer experience in new and exciting ways.

Clarity on the Cloud
I don’t want to brag (Come on, we won an award… that’s awesome!), but I believe the Frost & Sullivan award is rooted in our intense commitment to the cloud. We’ve done our due diligence over the past decade and have built a cloud for people and change.

Built for people means that we put the user experience at the center of our products. Built for change is that we believe our customers need a solution that’s malleable and can easily evolve with changing customer expectations. Simply put, we believe the cloud offers undeniable benefits, including happier customers, happier employees, and ultimately, better business results.

With a cloud contact center, there’s less disruption and the advantages of continuous deployment. This means getting features and enhancements faster — and you can say goodbye to big upgrades and scheduled downtime. To help our customers get the most of this benefit, we’ve also added over 1,000 new cloud features that are accessible with just a browser refresh.

Genesys Cloud is built on a network of secure, open APIs with powerful synching and built-in integrations. This enables seamless connectivity of your data, processes, and systems, and it gives you the ability to pull that data into other systems. And through the Genesys AppFoundry Marketplace, there’s a wide range of available feature add-ons that make it easy and predictable to take customer experience to new levels.

The Powerful Combination of Cloud and AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) is integral to our ability to deliver successful cloud solutions. And we’ve built it into every area of our portfolio to assist with customer service, sales, and marketing — bringing it together with the power of human agents. With our cloud AI solutions, even the most basic of customer interactions can be personalized, proactive and predictive, making them more memorable and impactful.

Empowering Success in the Cloud
Tools, like musical instruments, aren’t enough to guarantee success. You need people who are dedicated to those tools to ensure success.

At Genesys, we believe you also need clear goals, expert guidance, and accelerated results. Through our expertise, support and services, customer experience transformation is easier; you can turn your customer experience vision into a reality sooner — and more successfully.

While we always appreciate being named a leader by industry analysts like Frost & Sullivan, it’s our customers’ success that matters most. With a growing list of leading brands and small business that are moving to the Genesys Cloud and achieving great results, we’re continuing our focus to lead the way in cloud contact center solutions.

Check out the Frost & Sullivan report to review the research findings from their analyst team and to learn more about the importance of choosing a cloud leader.