“Outdated technology is like a Gordian knot. A modern cloud platform is your sword.”

— Someone smarter and more well-read than I am

In the call center, every second counts. This is especially true for small- to mid-sized call centers that operate under tight constraints — and with smaller teams. There’s no time to follow the tangled lines of customer communications through different channels and systems — or to weave together the mission-critical systems you need to manage your teams and business.

A modern call center platform is a radically simple way to slice through the problem of cumbersome tools and limiting technology. It makes your employees’ jobs easier; deploying in the cloud gets those tools up and running quickly. The progression is clear: Simplify your technology > boost agent productivity > improve agent reporting and KPIs.

A Single Powerful Platform

To vastly improve a process, start from the beginning. An all-in-one call center platform with a single, easy-to-navigate user interface sets up agents for success. An outdated platform, or one on which you’ve added multiple third-party applications to handle modern customer demands, is like that Gordian knot. It makes every interaction more difficult.

Give your team the sword — move to a modern platform that’s built with usability in mind. Once the knot is cut, tasks are streamlined and simplified, simplifying interactions and improving the entire experience.

Happy, Empowered Agents

Giving agents the best tools for the job has a huge effect on productivity. Modern call center platforms bring together the channels that, in the past, often have been managed via multiple disparate systems. This means agents have full context on customer issues, regardless of how an interaction starts.

Additionally, technology like predictive routing ensures that customers are sent to the best agent to help them with their specific issues. By removing the bottlenecks associated with legacy platforms, you cause a ripple effect of satisfaction that goes to your agents and customers.

Reporting You Can Use

Modern, omnichannel platforms facilitate reporting and actionable insights. An all-in-one platform eliminates the need to gather reports and analytics from multiple systems. Instead you can see the whole picture in one place. This kind of real-time visibility into agent interactions and customer concerns lets you adjust, as needed, throughout the day to meet your SLAs and KPIs.

Make the Move

Cut the knot. Moving to the cloud is simpler than you think.

Unlike updating or implementing an on-premises solution, you can get a cloud-based platform up and running in as little as 30 days. And businesses that have moved to the Genesys® PureCloud® application have seen ROI in just 90 to 120 days.

Don’t let antiquated or haphazard technology hold your business back. See how a move to cloud-based call center software can help your business, easily.