There’s no denying it: The robots are coming. Are you ready?

Current news stories warn that robots will automate various jobs in the not-too-distant future. But while the robot uprising will make certain jobs redundant, those in customer experience cannot—and will not—be controlled by Artificial Intelligence alone.

Join Genesys at Mobile World Congress 2018 (MWC18) in Barcelona, Spain, from February 26 through March 1, to learn the fundamental ways we’re changing customer experience in the face of automation—with a focus on connecting the moments that matter through Artificial Intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality, and the internet of things (IOT).

As the largest global event for the mobile industry, MWC18 marks the start of another year of outstanding innovation in mobile technology and customer experience.

Create a Better Future

Exhibitors at MWC18 will explore how technologies like AI change the ways in which we interact with the world; tasks as simple as ordering milk to more complex ones, such as buying a new car, will never be the same. However, not all tasks can be fully automated.

Our research that human agents must perform critical tasks in customer experience, such as understanding emotion, establishing rapport and building trust. For AI to be effective in customer experience, seamlessly with the human touch. During live demos at MWC18, we’ll showcase how Kate and Blended AI by Genesys create this seamless experience.

Genesys allows you to connect with your customers in the moments that matter most—in an increasingly busy world. Our omnichannel solution makes it easier for customers to contact you, and Kate enables you to serve them through a combination of human touch and AI, so it makes organizational silos a thing of the past. This is the better future we’re working toward.

Breaking Down Organizational Silos

I recently called my mobile operator for an issue. Unfortunately, they couldn’t resolve the issue immediately, so I arranged a call back—but to a different number than the one on my contract. They scheduled the call back and I waited. The call never came.

Next, I used web chat to find out what had happened. It was confirmed that they made the call back to the wrong number. Simple mistake. However, when I asked the web chat agent to reschedule the call back, he refused. I was informed that the chat team only deals with chat; it cannot schedule call backs, as that’s another team’s area.

Why is that still the case in 2018? It’s simply not good enough. These organizational silos fall way below customer expectations.

Consumers have access to technologies that often are more advanced than what businesses can deliver. Multiple messaging apps on our cell phones as well as home automation technologies and connected devices mean that the consumer is seamlessly connected to the world around them. This sets fundamental expectations for how the digital consumer engages with businesses. And businesses must catch up to offer that seamless and straightforward customer experience.

Come see us at MWC18 to learn how to advance to a level that consumers expect. Book a one-on-one session with us at the Genesys booth (Hall 7 Stand K31) to review the latest solutions and to speak with our experts.