Hackathons are an annual tradition at Genesys. Fueled by pizza and root beer floats, engineers, user experience designers and product management band together to conceptualize and innovate new customer engagement solutions. Each year, Genesys PureCloud employees get one week to dream big and execute.

Past Hackathons brought us early adoption of Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC), which now drives the PureCloud softphone solution and video collaboration. This year, we saw projects that utilized facial recognition for login, natural language processing (NLP) for a more intelligent user interface, introduced mobile tools for agents and more.

There were 24 total entries that judges evaluated based on business impact and innovation. We’re excited to share a few of the customer service standouts with you.

Dynamic Contextual Alerting

PureCloud real-time dynamic views show you the data you want, when you want it. But what if there were a way to get contextual alerting, directly in the interface, to draw your attention to what you really care about—based on thresholds of interest that you configure. Examples of alerting rules that this project supports include:

  • Alert me when the Analytics Team has an average handle time of more than 1 hour for voice interactions for a day
  • Alert me when Sales has an average hold time of more than 30 minutes for chat interactions for a day
  • Alert me when Support has abandoned at least 10 chats in a 30-minute period

Supervisor Chat Coaching

Traditional “whisper” solutions feature an agent who listens to a customer in one ear and to their supervisor in the other—it’s distracting and difficult. This demo-ready project aims to introduce effective whispering through a native window that enables supervisors to chat cues to an agent while monitoring a call. Inversely, the agent can also request help during an interaction.

Navigational Shortcuts

Time is money. So, this project focuses on getting you where you need to go in the PureCloud interface without multiple clicks and page loads. The demo introduced shortcut key commands and auto-completion for quick access to common menus and tasks.

The PureCloud Platform enables continuous delivery, so you benefit from weekly upgrades and new features. But this event showcased the dexterity and agility of the people who work on PureCloud. We hope to see many of these business hacks eventually adopted into the product. To get updates about weekly feature releases delivered to your inbox, subscribe to the PureCloud Release Notes.