Super Human Service: It’s the combination of the right technology and engaged customer service representatives. It’s giving the right people the right tech to engage their customers in a meaningful way. So, what makes a technology right?

First, it should address all your requirements. Second, it should be intuitive to use. Lastly, it should lighten IT’s load. And if you want to know how that plays out in real life, keep reading.

A business that’s sole objective is customer service has a particularly vested interest in making each customer experience exceptional. But things change when a pandemic hits. Not only do you have to pivot as an operation to ensure the safety of your employees, you also must ensure the integrity of service for your customers as well as their customers.

PATLive, a third-party business communications company offering telephony and call center capabilities for customers across US and Canada, is essentially an outsourced customer service center. In late 2019, the company had committed and contracted to move to the Genesys CloudTM platform. But some IT issues within the company pushed that move to mid-2020.

Then the pandemic hit. And PATLive had to shift its agent workforce offsite.

Instead of launching Genesys Cloud, it chose an interim step — using VPN connections to its legacy on-premises system to facilitate a remote workforce. This would be the fix until it could further map out the move to Genesys Cloud. But, just as PATLive sorted out this transition plan, which was very difficult and complicated, a customer called with an urgent request.

The customer was a state government agency that needed hundreds of agents spun up and ready to work in a matter of days to handle COVID-19-related questions. So, a day after the request, during a late-night call on a Friday evening — and after debating a myriad of options — Jackie Gonzalez, Vice President, Operations at PATLive, asked one simple question, “Why can’t we deploy Genesys Cloud?”

Three Days to the Cloud

No one on the call had a counter argument to Jackie’s question. Technically, PATLive already owned Genesys Cloud. So, that Friday night, the team decided to deploy and train 100 new agents on Genesys Cloud — in three days.

The PATLive team met the next day and spent all day and night working on the migration, the training and the logistics of it all. On Sunday, the team had trained all the agents. And by Monday morning, the call center was live with a full fleet of 100 trained agents.

The move was quick; PATLive didn’t need IT team members to perform many of the migration steps involved. And because contact center staff could add and manage call flows, scripts, digital channels and more, the PATLive IT team could focus on the most technical tasks.

But the most important goal was reached: Thousands of citizens were able to call the newly established PATLive call center with their concerns — and get answers fast. Each call was routed to a remote agent, working on a laptop in their kitchen, living room or home office. Callers had no idea agents were remote. And it didn’t matter. Caller concerns were addressed one by one, call by call, by agents armed with Genesys technology that allowed them to provide Super Human Service.

See what Super Human Service can do for your business.