Many of us go through our lives accepting misconceptions we’ve heard, whether they’re fitness myths or misapprehensions about technology — lifting creates bulk, you shouldn’t swim after eating and even migrating to a new customer experience platform is complicated. It’s time to dispel those myths.

I’ve always enjoyed exercising, primarily the physical conditioning that comes from bike riding, brisk walks outside or using indoor elliptical machines when the weather doesn’t cooperate. For me, exercise helps to relieve stress, manage my weight and extend my energy. However, for years, I avoided weight training because I heard it would add muscle weight rather than support my goals around reducing body fat and increasing energy levels. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that the notion of weight training adding bulk was just a myth. In fact, building and strengthening muscle actually makes the body more efficient by revving up your metabolism — helping to more efficiently burn and reduce body fat while also increasing energy and endurance. Once I realized that the effects of strength training were the exact opposite of what I had thought, I incorporated it into my workout regimen and saw great results. In fact, I still try to maintain a healthy balance between cardio and weight training today.

In the technology arena, there are also many myths that can prevent us from achieving our intended goals. There are falsehoods that make us think twice when considering a customer experience technology upgrade, such as “migrating to a new platform is a lot of work and will make my job harder.” These misconceptions hold us back — helping to justify the status quo. But what if that really wasn’t true? What if migrating to a more modern platform could actually simplify day-to-day tasks?

The reality is that updating your customer experience technology, particularly moving to a cloud-based platform, offers unmatched business agility and operational efficiencies. It can  significantly simplify integrations, automate tasks that are currently handled manually and enable you to easily adjust things like agent capacity as seasonal needs change.

So, while this particular myth focuses on the short-term time investment associated with the transition to a new platform, it fails to consider the significant longer-term improvements that far outweigh it. Simplifying day-to-day solution management will actually free up time that can be invested in other projects, allowing IT and customer experience managers to focus on more strategic priorities that better position them for career advancement. It also drives business goals and KPIs by delivering more seamless customer care and an improving employee performance.

But that’s just one of the common migration myths that could hold you back. Learn how to avoid all seven migration pitfalls — and ensure your own customer experience success — by reading the CX Migration Secrets infographic.