This year, the International Women’s Day slogan is “Each for Equal.” For Priscila Gutierrez Villegas, Senior Solutions Consultant at Genesys in Mexico City, the motto isn’t just for a single day — it’s a way of life.

At a very young age, Priscila realized the power of communication between people — and she has always believed in the power of art and creativity when connecting with others. Priscila uses her creativity and technology background to collaborate with customers, partners and her colleagues. Learn more about Priscila in her interview for International Women’s Day below.

What does the 2020 International Women’s Day slogan, #EachforEqual mean for you in your work life?

Priscila Gutierrez Villegas: It means for me, that all of us, regardless of gender, preferences, experiences or careers, can collaborate in interdisciplinary teams with same job opportunities to achieve common goals; that is — greater diversity, different points of view — we can have better ideas and solutions to suggest.

Your current job is a Genesys Solutions Consultant. Is this role what you expected it to be in when you started in the workforce? How did it change?

Priscila: I had never imagine the scope of the role until I began to face the day-by-day in a company that’s a leader not only in the customer engagement but also innovation. I felt the need to learn more and more — not only about Genesys but also about the Genesys environment or how to approach customers from a technical and consultative and from a human aspect.

For more than two and a half years, each day I faced challenges that I appreciate, because they allowed me to gain a better technology knowledge, get more consultant skills and more accurately make  recommendations to customers. And above all, I make a positive impact in Mexican companies.

What barriers have you faced, as a woman, in becoming successful in your field? How did you overcome them?

Priscila: The main challenge that I have faced is living in a country led predominantly by men. Some of them think that, because I’m a woman, they have the right to think that my opinion is less acceptable than theirs, to look at down and not in my eyes or at the material presented.

For me, the main challenge as a woman has been asserting myself for the simple fact of being a woman. For this, I have learned how to be resilient; I have risen; and I have said “Yes, I can do it!”

The studies and work experience have empowered me to generate credibility and confidence, demonstrating my knowledge, doing things out of the conventional way to propose and explain the best solution — and to be sure my voice is heard. It’s high time that women are considered equal and respected.

Based on your own experience, what advice would you give to women considering pursuing a career in your field?

Priscila: If I could give an advice, this would be to empower yourself as a woman, as a professional, as a peer, as a friend, as a person — coworking as a team, being a reference and advocate for other women, peers, customers and partners. Help collaborative work and understand that diversity and equality are greater differentiators and business qualities.

In your opinion, how do our individual actions, conversations, behaviors and mindsets have an impact on our larger society?

Priscila: I am sure that every action has a reaction; therefore, there must be coherence between what is thought, said and done. That’s why this must be inspirational and motivational — not only for our work teams but also our customers and society.

How important is it for women to lift each other up  and what does that mean to you?

Priscila: From my point of view, it is extremely valuable to have a team and support from other women; each person has a different point of view in situations. Sharing moments and experiences with my colleagues are always rewarding; however, the principle of fairness and objectivity must not be forgotten. In the future, someone can help me or I can help and collaborate.

For Priscila, working at Genesys means being part of a large, inclusive family that considers each proposal — regardless of who makes it.

Continue the International Women’s Day discussion with our latest “Take a Moment” podcast and learn how two exceptional leaders walked the unplanned path to find success. Barbara Gonzalez, VP, Global Business Consulting, and Janelle Dieken, SVP, Solutions and Product Marketing, share their philosophies on building high-performance teams and turning heartbreaks into triumphs.

And get involved for International Women’s Day. Learn why Genesys Women in Technology is partnering with Water to Thrive to bring the sustainable blessing of clean, safe water to communities in rural Africa.