Tech-KNOWLEDGE-y is power. As the role of technology in business continues to expand, properly leveraging and allocating your IT expertise is critical. A modern contact center solution simplifies common maintenance and customization tasks, empowering business users to accomplish things that traditionally fell on IT. This transfer of responsibility both reduces IT labor and support costs and eases the burden on your IT team—allowing them to focus on more complex, strategic IT initiatives.

The ease of use provided by an all-in-one contact center platform does more than enable you to redirect valuable IT resources—it also lowers overall IT costs. A recent Genesys-commissioned study by Forrester found that moving to the Genesys™ PureCloud™ platform would avoid the cost of employing 1.2 IT labor and support specialists—that’s approximately $90,000 annually. By harnessing the capabilities of modern communication platforms, you spend your IT dollars in the right place.

Give Time Back to IT Personnel With Rapid Deployment

Your IT manager is busy—trust me. So, any time you can give back to them is welcome and appreciated. The beauty of a cloud-based contact center platform is that deployment can happen quickly (sometimes in as little as one month) and with minimal support. No upfront hardware, an all-in-one design, and out-of-the-box integrations ensure your new platform is up and running quickly. Flexible voice services options make migration simple and allow you to choose whether to stick with existing voice architecture or go all-in with cloud communications from your Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) provider. System setup won’t require a team of professionals—and your IT manager will thank you.

Empower Managers With a Modern UI

A modern user interface (UI), coupled with advanced configuration wizards, make platform administration a DIY project for business users. Transfer tasks that historically required IT support, such as telephony provisioning, queue administration, and building IVR flows, to business users. Free up your IT personnel to focus on specific projects like complex routing and integrations, while empowering business managers to take responsibility for spontaneous changes and system improvements as needed.

Cut Down on Tickets With Self-Service

Helpdesk tickets are the ceaseless drone of the IT world. A contact center platform with self-service capabilities cuts through the noise and gives users the tools to solve common issues. In-app contextual help, community forums and knowledge bases like the Genesys Resource Center are easy to use and can mitigate the number of tickets passed off to IT.

“Now we can identify specific pockets of work and prioritize a roadmap for IT, as opposed to a generic ‘We need you available’.” – Senior Director of Engagement, Consumer Products, North America

Find out if you’re making the most of your IT team. Get the Total Economic Impact (TEI) of PureCloud report to see how a modern contact center platform makes life easier for both business and IT employees.