Your internet isn’t working, so you call your service provider. You speak with an agent, but he’s unable to resolve the issue. The agent dispatches a field service technician to your house — who arrives when you’re not at home.

This frustrating scenario is all too common — and all too costly.

Utility companies, communication service providers and retail distribution manufacturers handle millions of service calls each year. And if the contact center can’t solve the customer’s problem, a field service technician is dispatched to resolve the issue.

According to Genesys data, the cost of a service dispatch, or “truck roll,” can range from $150–$300 on average, based on the region. Unfortunately, many of these truck rolls are unnecessary because the issue has been resolved remotely by another agent, the customer or elsewhere with available network tools. Worse, additional dispatches can occur when poor schedule orchestration results in the technician arriving when the customer isn’t available.

This all adds up from an environmental standpoint. For industries like telecommunications, field service dispatches can account for more than 50% of their Scope 1 carbon footprint.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. With customer journey management, organizations can identify the root causes of unnecessary truck rolls and take proactive measures to prevent appointment cancellations. These insights can significantly reduce costs and carbon emissions.

As we celebrate Earth Month, let’s explore how transformative technology can help companies optimize their truck rolls. And how it can significantly reduce a company’s environmental impact.

Putting Extra Trips in Park

A typical company relies on dozens of vendors to provide different customer experience (CX) capabilities. This creates a fragmented approach that leads to disconnected data, impersonal experiences and customer churn — not to mention wasted truck rolls. And that all degrades customer satisfaction.

With experience orchestration, you combine the power of your people and our technology — channels, interactions, knowledge, data and systems — in real time into personalized, end-to-end experiences.

Using Pointillist® by Genesys, you can transform disparate and similar data from billions of customer interactions per day into journey-based metrics that empower you to deliver empathetic, personalized experiences at scale.

The Pointillist Customer Journey Data Hub allows you to create a single customer view across data from various sources, including truck roll dispatch solutions, field service technician devices, CRM solutions, web clickstream, email, contact center, IVR, Voice of the Customer and customer feedback management.

When it comes to optimizing truck rolls, you can leverage built-in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities to:

  • Rapidly identify self-service issues across any channel that result in a truck roll
  • Enable alerts on excessive truck roll behavior segmented by customer, product type, region or even specific field service technicians (including outsourcers)
  • Orchestrate proactive measures to reduce unnecessary truck rolls
  • Measure the direct financial costs and emission consumption ratings because of truck roll avoidance

Better Emissions, Lower Expenses, Happier Customers

A leading US communication services provider leveraged Pointillist to target the customer behaviors and device events that led to truck roll initiation, cancellation and rescheduling.

The company used AI-generated analysis of events such as self-repair, automation attempts and device type data to proactively reduce its truck rolls via outbound communications, as well as device-specific repair-prevention measures.

Actionable analytics generated by Pointillist enabled the company to increase IVR automation, enhance its digital bot design and leverage proactive outbound messaging for specific repairs. This enabled better cost, environmental and experience outcomes for the company’s contact center agents, the company and its customers.

Pointillist by Genesys helped this organization see a 53% reduction in no-show truck rolls — lowering its carbon emissions, contributing to a 4% improvement in Net Promoter Score and over $40 million in annual opex savings.

A Strategy with a Heart for Sustainability

Sustainability is a strategic priority at Genesys, and it’s embedded into everything we do. We’ve made an aggressive goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

We’re focused on delivering cloud-based innovation that’s impossible to deliver at scale in an on-premises environment, specifically when it comes to the use of AI and machine learning.

When you look at our total carbon footprint, 83% comes from our customers using on-premises products. So as we move these customers to the cloud, it not only gives them unparalleled scale, greater flexibility and faster innovation — it helps us reduce total carbon footprint.

We’re already making progress. Genesys reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 22% in FY 2022, compared to FY21.

And our strategic partners share the same mission. Amazon Web Services, the infrastructural host for Genesys Cloud, found in a primary research survey their infrastructure can perform the same task with an 88% lower carbon footprint than the median US enterprise data centers they surveyed.

Read the full 2021 Genesys Sustainability Report to learn more about how our products and commitment to sustainability contribute to a better future for our planet.