You’ve heard this story before. We’re all living it; you likely read updates every day. The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting everyone in the world. When the shockwave of panic first hit on a global scale in March, facilities were locked down, businesses and government agencies went into lockdown and we were all ordered to stay at home. Enabling employees to work from home became an immediate necessity — so did staying in communication with customers and citizens who needed help and answers.

At Genesys, we wanted to quickly respond to the crisis and enable people to communicate with each other when the price of failure was higher than ever. We were in an ideal position to help. Our cloud contact center solution was the perfect tool to handle this urgent problem, keeping lines of communication flowing between organizations and the people who need them. Because it’s served from the cloud, anyone, anywhere can log in and handle interactions.

But, like everyone else, we didn’t plan or budget for such a sudden increase in demand. And we needed to build a solution that lets our customers manage their own increase in demand — fast. We needed to have a quick solution to the work-from-home policies that our customers were enacting, all while enacting our own global work-from-home policy. We had to pull together and embrace the spirit of our “One Genesys” rallying cry to align the efforts of our internal departments together with our partners so we could provide a solution that’s fast, free and effective — to help us all through this crisis.

At the “Rapidly enabling a remote workforce” breakout session at our Virtual Xperience event on May 20th, you’ll hear the story of how we were able to accomplish this. Join guest speakers from Professional Services and Customer Success teams as they explain how we leverage existing resources to deliver solutions like we’ve never done before. You’ll also hear how this experience has forever changed us and further shaped — and solidified — our direction for the future.

This story isn’t over. The wave of panic buying might have passed. Organizations who needed to enable their workforces to work remotely likely have figured that out by now. This new phase we’re in is undiscovered territory for many.

The struggle now is to remain resilient and manage the demands that are happening right now — as well as new unforeseen challenges on the road ahead. And you all need to do that at a high level of quality that’s within your approved budgets.

At Genesys, we continue to adjust how we work to meet these new challenges. We’ve designed the ideal foundation for a contact center that addresses your needs to continue serving your customers and selling products or services — all while managing dramatic and unexpected change. We’re offering that to our customers right now for 30 days for a nominal setup fee. To learn more and get the full story, attend Virtual Xperience, our free, fully digital event. Register today.