July 13, 2021 – Duration: 24:28

S2 Ep. 1 Delivering empathy — no agent required

Delivering empathetic customer experiences doesn’t simply mean being nice. It’s also means truly understanding and meeting your customers’ needs. Sometimes that requires an agent to listen carefully; sometimes it doesn’t require an agent at all. If you’re only able to deliver empathy to your customers when they talk to an agent, you’re missing opportunities to create an outstanding experience. In this episode, Michael Logan, Senior Strategic Sales Consultant at Genesys, and Ginger Conlon, Thought Leadership Director at Genesys, discuss how to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to better understand your customers’ intent and more effectively meet their needs. That’s the very definition of empathy.



Ginger Conlon

Thought Leadership Director

An award-winning editorial leader who has covered marketing and CX for the majority of her career, Ginger Conlon is currently thought leadership director at Genesys. Additionally, she is president of DMCNY. In her prior roles as chief editor of Direct Marketing News, 1to1, and CRM magazines she set the editorial vision and strategy, which led to increased readership, reader engagement, and revenue. Ginger received a DMCNY Silver Apple lifetime achievement award for her contributions to the marketing industry.


Michael Logan

Senior Strategic Sales Consultant

As lifetime resident of the Indianapolis area, Michael is motivated to drive change by volunteering locally with community groups and supporting grass root campaigns that educate and inspire residents of all ages. Michael transfers that same energy to the role as Senior Strategic Sales Consultant to evangelize the Genesys products supporting the Sales team as a product expert and demonstration specialist. Prior to working at Genesys, Michael was a freelance Technical Content Producer for various television networks and corporate events.

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