Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…”

There are numerous examples from my own life that align to that perspective, but getting great customer service is not one of them! In fact, as a self-professed “customer-service junkie” I whole-heartedly believe customer experience (CX) should be effortless, pain-free and easy.

While each of our employees works in the CX industry by virtue of their position at Genesys, we are all consumers first. That means we understand the importance of good sales, marketing and support CX from multiple vantage points. Because we are consumers first, we know great experiences happen when we:

  • Don’t have to repeat ourselves.
  • Get service any way we want it – phone, text, chat, twitter, etc.
  • Enjoy fast and frustration-free service and issue resolution.
  • Don’t have to answer the same barrage of questions every time we contact a company with which we regularly interact.
  • Only have to try once to accomplish what we set out to do, whether that’s making an online return, troubleshooting a problem with a new smart refrigerator or sorting out a mix-up at the bank.

At Genesys, we are passionate about making the experiences between brands and consumers seamless and personalized. It takes an inordinate amount of technology to make that happen. And, we love to use all kinds of technical acronyms like CX, IVR, AI, and IoT to talk about how to arm companies with the innovations needed to help them delight customers with every contact.

But, here’s the thing. While we like to geek out about the technology that helps brands create more meaningful connections with their customers, the rest of the world isn’t interested in what’s behind the proverbial curtain.

Consumers just want good, consistent customer service that’s easy to get. As easy as pressing “1.”

That’s why we’ve launched a new campaign: “Press 1.”

Everyone has had to press 1 for service at some point, but now it represents a better way for businesses to take care of their customers. Now, Press 1 stands for hyper-personalized customer experiences that are only a text, tweet, chat or voice command away; it stands for tailored customer interactions based on past behaviors, transactions or queries. And it stands for true digitally-connected omnichannel customer experience. Another way to think about it: Press 1 for Moments Connected.

The first wave of this advertising campaign is rolling out at airports in select markets. In addition, outdoor advertising is in play in San Francisco, and we will leverage social media to amplify the Press 1 message. Check out the campaign and learn more about the future of CX.

As always, everything we do at Genesys and every innovation we create is focused on making things as easy as possible for the customer.  For us, nothing is worth more than that. (Even if it is completely counter to what Roosevelt originally said.)