Whether you are in the dating phase with a customer or a long-term relationship, great communication is key to a successful customer relationship. The same can be said with the relationships with your contact center employees. They need training, coaching, and the gift of great tools to make them love their job. Make your employees love you, and your customers will love you too!

We have compiled a Valentine’s Day list for you: webinars, blogs, videos and eBooks all focused on how to make the relationship with your customers and workforce a success. Think of this list like a box of Valentine’s Day chocolates of CX knowledge.

Four Steps to Make Customers Love Your Contact Center

No business can afford to deliver anything less than an exceptional customer experience (CX). We all want shorter hold times, slashed abandonment rates, and a better Net Promoter Score. But your business can’t achieve it with a legacy ACD, PBX or telephone platform. Read four tips to help you transform your call center into a next-generation omnichannel engagement center. Read more in this tip sheet. 

Getting to Know You: Hyper-Personalizing the Customer Experience

Hyper-personalization has taken the concept of “getting to know” customers to new heights by delighting them with a more personalized customer experience. Learn about the difference between profiling versus personalization and how to UPMC created personalized and proactive customer journeys. Read more in this blog.

7 Ways to Keep Your Contact Center Employees Engaged

Meeting your customers’ expectations for a consistent, seamless experience while running your business more efficiently in the omnichannel era is no small feat. It places even greater importance on your employee engagement. How can you keep your employees engaged to yield better results for your customers and your business? Find out seven ways to jump-start your employee engagement strategy.

Text-Enable Your 800 Numbers: Your Customers Will Thank You!

Did you know you can send a text message to a toll-free number? We affectionately call them TETFNs (for Text-Enabled Toll-Free Numbers), and they’re quickly becoming a desired way for companies to enable both inbound and outbound communications with their customers. Learn more about TETFNs in our interview with Zipwhip CMO John Larson. 

Does Your Customer Experience WOW You Customers?

The challenge with customer experience is that it covers many different parts of the organization. In order to meet your customer’s needs across their customer journey, you need to have in place a system of engagement that combines CRM data with contact center platform – and then some! Learn how to wow your customers in this blog. 

Make Your Customers Happy with More Engaged Employees

When it comes to contact center operations, people are still your most important asset. Making sure your employees are engaged and empowered cannot be considered a secondary concern. It is a pivotal factor in your overall customer experience. Making your employees happy, will make your customers happy. Read more in this blog.

Contact Center Employee Engagement Playbook

Your workforce is potentially your most strategic asset in the contact center. When employees are engaged and enabled to do their jobs well, they tend to stay longer. Engaged employees have the potential to positively influence every customer conversation. Read how to empower your employees and improve staff retention in this popular playbook. 

How to Make Your Employees the CEO of Every Customer Moment

Your contact center workforce needs the right tools, training, information, and support to deliver great customer experiences. After all, you want them to be the “CEO” of every customer moment and improve customer lifetime value. Watch our webinar anytime, featuring Sheryl Kingstone from 451 Research on empowering your employees.

Omnichannel Agent Desktop Demo

Customers interact with your company multiple times in multiple ways via phone call, chat, email, mobile app or social channels. If your agents do not have the context from past interactions or if they have to switch between multiple systems to get it — the customer’s journey turns into a series of disjointed experiences, leading to frustration. Click here to watch the demo on our omnichannel agent desktop.

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