In 2017, many companies made the move to a modern contact center platform. At Genesys, we’ve seen nearly 250 different businesses move away from their legacy platform to empower their contact center with the latest tools for customer engagement. And those which enable companies to provide an omnichannel experience are getting the most attention.

The demand for omnichannel capabilities was the final nail in the coffin of old-school contact centers. Tacking new capabilities onto an outdated system worked as a bandage, but it wasn’t sustainable. Ultimately, companies must replace outdated contact centers with modern tools that are built to adapt to future demands. And several factors drive the exodus from legacy systems.

Industry Shakeups Inspire Change

A shift in the landscape of contact center providers, including downsizing and financial woes, made some customers uneasy—and drove many to update their systems. After all, it’s difficult to plan for the future if you’re uncertain your tools will still be relevant tomorrow. The desire for reliability and consistency underscored the need for contact centers that are built to adapt to customer demands and industry changes.

Modern Contact Centers Deploy Rapidly

Upgrading your contact center is no longer a lengthy project; modern applications deploy in much narrower timeframes, so businesses can get up and running faster. Plus, these apps are built to be intuitive and integrate with existing systems. This means minimal time is used for setup and staff training.

Lower Barriers to Entry

The traditional upfront cost of a new contact center platform has changed dramatically. With a cloud-based platform, you can overhaul your entire system without massive infrastructure expenses. Additionally, system updates occur seamlessly and regularly, so you always have the best tools for the job.

The Focus Is on the User

Modern contact center software is designed with two things in mind—innovation and the end user. You shouldn’t need an engineer to perform basic application configurations. With an intuitive platform, capabilities like call-flow organization, dashboard analysis and contact center planning are easily achievable—without the added cost of professional services. Ease of administration is instinctive.

A Platform That Prepares You for the Future

The Genesys PureCloud platform was designed for innovation. It was built to provide powerful tools that are simple to use, and it was developed to help you set a course and stay on it. Discover the power of the Genesys PureCloud platform. Sign up to receive up to three months free with select packages.