A one-man band—a single person playing several instruments to create a cohesive piece of music—can be impressive. But every man has his limits; even the most talented can play only a few instruments effectively at one time. And if that one man gets sick, the music stops. A one-man band has a single point of failure.

A symphony orchestra, on the other hand, doesn’t have these limitations. Multiple musicians play together, creating music that cannot be achieved alone. Each musician is a master of his or her instrument and each has a team of other musicians there for support, when needed. Microservices architecture applies a similar principle to your IT systems.

Instead of an antiquated, monolithic system in which stability requires each component to function perfectly, microservices operate independently from one another to provide unparalleled reliability.

Displace Dissonance with Microservices

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died more than 200 years ago, yet his music lives on—his work still influences other musicians. While generally he’s considered an archetype of classical music, he dabbled in other areas. Being nimble and adaptable ensured his legacy.

Microservices were also developed to withstand changes throughout time. Building your call center system on an agile platform prepares your business for shake ups. Whether it’s a change in technology or customer demands for communication on a new channel, your system is prepared to adjust to meet these needs. While the benefits are numerous, they can be broken into three main attributes: scalability, reliability and flexibility.


A microservice architecture enables system scalability. Because each microservice operates independently, it can scale up or down to match current demand. Even if one tenant needs to send a million faxes suddenly, it won’t affect the functionality of other tenants. Similarly, if your data indicates you should increase the number of outbound calls at your contact center, your system will not experience delays or strain with added volume.

This scalability works regardless of size. Whether your organization has 10 users or 100,000 users, a microservices architecture meets your needs and efficiently handles changes in demand.


With microservices, system functionality is spread across hundreds of individual components. Each microservice performs a single function; one can cover outbound calling while another handles customer routing and another handles web chat. In the case of the PureCloud by Genesys system, further reliability is added through Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs), which distribute work across multiple servers that dynamically scale based on load. Because services exist independently, a failure in one microservice will not affect others. Additionally, if a microservice fails, another is there to take its place instantly—much like the second chair musician in an orchestra.


A call center platform built on microservices doesn’t have the constraints of a proprietary data center. If your business grows, your platform expands and changes as needed. If you have a slow season, your platform can condense to help cut costs. Services can be added as needed; the ability to perform rolling updates means your technology is always up to date. Your business can meet and exceed customer expectations because you don’t need to wait for your technology to catch up.

Make Your Contact Center a Modern Classic

If you want a contact center that can stand the test of time, technology is key. Customer demands will evolve and change—and you must meet them.

PureCloud by Genesys was designed with more than a microservices architecture; it was designed for the cloud—from the ground up—as a new type of contact center software. Learn more about the PureCloud Competitive Advantages by downloading our White Paper.