To ensure its customer service reps can efficiently and thoroughly answer the 100,000 inquiries received each holiday season, the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line™ needed a solution to empower their customer service representatives to respond to consumers on any digital channel and scale for seasonal spikes.

Butterball leverages the Genesys Cloud™ platform. The solution deploys quickly, allows immediate flexing of agents up and down for holidays, and has an intuitive user interface to support agent success. Butterball also integrated the solution with its existing CRS system for digital channels, including chat, text, and email. This seamless integration has allowed Butterball to launch a screen-pop feature to automatically register callers’ numbers in the database to instantly identify new, repeat, and frequent callers.

The new system also gives Butterball better data reporting so staff can analyze and reduce call abandon rates while enhancing the performance of Talk-Line experts. Each expert receives personal call statistics to offer motivating feedback. And supervisors or coaches can listen-in on calls and then text answers to experts to make interactions more satisfying in real time. Data also is collected during every interaction for historical purposes to provide valuable insights for the Butterball marketing team.

Because the Genesys Cloud solution is flexible, open, and built for rapid innovation, Butterball is well-positioned to help ease its customers’ holiday cooking stress.

Butterball Turkey Talk-Line Supervisor, Andrea Baletiwicz was awarded the Genesys Hero award for her outstanding work to support consumers.  Check out the full infographic below to see how Genesys Cloud empowers agents.