Imagine having a cloud-based contact center that enables you to deliver superior customer experience across digital channels. By giving your customers the option to engage with you when they want to, over their preferred channels, you build stronger relationships. What’s better for your customers is better for your business.

BBVA: Multichannel Banking

With 70 million customers, BBVA is one of the world’s leading banks. BBVA Argentina aims to drive a robust, innovative digital transformation that will help it double its 3 million customers over the next few years. And cloud technology is a cornerstone of this digital transformation.

As an industry innovator, BBVA Argentina is always on the lookout for state-of-the-art technologies. Implementing a cloud-based contact center solution has been one of its most critical requirements. This need for cutting-edge technology led BBVA to Genesys, where it found the tools to meet its remote-banking operational goals.

With the Genesys® PureCloud® solution, BBVA Argentina supports a remote-agent program and offers chat as a new communication channel. The bank can easily keep up with customer expectations by offering cloud-based omnichannel capabilities to optimize its customer experience.

Now, BBVA Argentina can easily access the tools that are key to meet its remote-banking operational goals and to enable the best possible interactions for its customers — each and every time. It’s just the beginning of a series of initiatives. The bank plans to optimize customer service while facilitating customer contact and interactions through digital channels.

Leroy Merlin: Cross-Channel Customer Support

In a different industry, and on the opposite hemisphere, leading home improvement and gardening retailer Leroy Merlin also selected Genesys to build deeper customer connections across channels. The DIY retailer operates nearly 50 stores and a promising eCommerce business in several European countries.

Believing that customer satisfaction is the main differentiator between them and the competition — both online and offline — Leroy Merlin sought a seamless omnichannel customer experience. It wants both physical stores and online shopping to be perceived as a unique brand, no matter where customers are in their purchasing paths. Leroy Merlin encourages customers to communicate through all offered channels, both in terms of sales and relationship.

After assessing various platforms, Leroy Merlin found that the Genesys solution fit the bill — delivering full control, flexibility and scalability in the cloud. A cloud-based contact center can also connect with customers across channels.

With the help of partner Bizmatica, Leroy Merlin quickly implemented the Genesys cloud-based contact center solution. Now, the retailer can leverage real-time data to streamline business decisions, scale in terms of functional and structural coverage, and support its customers through various channels, including live chat, chatbots, dynamic FAQs and an always evolving IVR.

With its new cloud platform in place, the retailer has a long-term roadmap that leverages a flexible interoperability model. It can scale in terms of functional and structural coverage, even anticipating and guiding its business needs while expanding the customer experience.

Rising Customer Expectations

How your customers experience your brand — and how you deliver on those experiences — depends on your cloud-based contact center solution. With the right one, you can benefit from continuous innovation as well as scalability and security. And you can reach your customers anytime — on any channel.

As BBVA and Leroy Merlin have discovered, the Genesys cloud platform is easy to deploy and easy to use, thanks to an intuitive interface and seamless integration with existing systems. The flexible environment gives you the power to grow. And you’ll always know what’s happening, thanks to interactive dashboards that give you a consolidated view of customers, call center agents and interactions — across all channels and locations.

Customer expectations are rising; a Genesys cloud platform gives your customers a consistent experience — no matter which channels they choose to engage with you. Read this ebook to get the steps in successfully moving to the PureCloud solution.