Pentafon, one of Mexico’s top business process outsourcers, has transformed its customer and employee experiences — delivering a range of bottom-line benefits. In addition to lightning-fast schedule creation, it has also enhanced the accuracy of its budgeting and forecasting with less effort and improved agent performance.

The company provides clients in finance, telecommunications, retail and government with solutions for everything from outbound sales to revenue collection. Across three cities, its 2,600 contact center agents handle more than 86 million contacts annually.

Pentafon adopted the Genesys® PureEngage™ application to address two challenges. With its existing end-of-life systems, Pentafon lacked support and the ability to customize; and its platform provided an incomplete view of customer interactions, agent performance and training needs. The company felt that Genesys offered the safest, shortest path to omnichannel and digital transformation.

Benefits to Agents — and Customers

Moving to the Genesys application delivered several quick wins. First, with voice, email and webchat consolidated on a single desktop, Pentafon agents gained the ability to multitask without having to toggle among different tools and screens.

The experience improved for customers, too. They can now switch seamlessly among channels and don’t have to repeat information. And the product’s open APIs give in-house developers the freedom to build personalized dashboards — putting managers firmly in control, with real-time reporting and KPI tracking.

Pentafon also wanted to offer a better, smarter working environment for its people — but without the complexity that separate planning and forecasting tools create. It chose to adopt the PureEngage Workforce Engagement solution, which had everything in one native application and offered quick deployment and customization options for improved employee experiences.

Masterful Planning and Resource Management

With the workforce engagement tool, Pentafon enjoys the best of both worlds: greater service delivery control and insights, plus automated skills and resource management. This enables the company to put the right people in the right place at the right time. The company has experienced 92% time savings in schedule creation. Further, forecasting capabilities enable it to anticipate budget and recruitment requirements better.

Quality assurance has also improved, moving beyond random sampling to recording calls and screen activities. Supervisors can hear what the agent is saying, while also seeing where they’re looking for information. This makes it easier to pinpoint which skills they lack and provide targeted coaching until agents reach the required level.

Performance reviews used to occur weekly. Now, Pentafon agents receive feedback daily. And the workforce engagement tool lets agents bid for shifts, swap work periods and request time off — effortlessly, on the spot and from their desktops. The internal IT team took this a step further with clever integration.

The Right Tools for the Job

Keeping employees engaged and attrition rates low is a balancing act. With average agent turnover rates at 25% or higher, you not only need to find the right mix of time, money and resources, you also need to keep employees properly trained and performances up. And using outdated, legacy workforce optimization solutions only makes this more difficult. The fragmented information these solutions provide rarely gives you a complete view into employee performance and engagement levels.

As Pentafon discovered, Genesys tools provide rapid forecasting and scheduling with the highest accuracy rates in the industry, empowering you to improve your employees’ experiences and operational performance. Artificial intelligence (AI) innovations pull real-time coaching and knowledge assistance directly into the agent desktop to address the most complex requests through any interaction channel.

AI and automation are changing the way agents work, and that’s resulting in happier, more engaged employees. See how you can take advantage of Genesys tools to improve employee experiences and engagement — and drive better customer engagement and business success.

Read this tip sheet to learn how to overcome obstacles, improve the customer journey and enhance your employee experiences and agent productivity. Read the full Pentafon story here.