Imagine offering your customers such a high-value digital self-service experience that satisfaction scores soared — and you saved money at the same time. Norwegian agency Fjellinjen achieved this when it moved from an on-premises solution to a cloud model.

Fjellinjen is all about making travel easy — managing payment collections for more than 80 toll roads. The company, owned by the City of Oslo and Akershus County Municipality, has 650,000 registered accounts and handles about 108 million toll passages each year. Fjellinjen is always looking for new ways to improve its customer experience. While its Genesys on-premises solution had served the company well, it wanted to take advantage of a more agile cloud model.

Benefits of Consolidation

The decision to migrate to a cloud model proved to be a good one: Fjellinjen unified operations across its Oslo and Belgrade service centers in less than two years after deploying the Genesys® PureCloud® application. The product has proven to be predictable and reliable.

Fjellinjen contact centers are busy: They handle 4,000 phone calls; 1,000 chat exchanges; and 2,500 email contacts. They also manage 1,200 chatbots and 1,950 automated email interactions in an average week — in addition to supporting sales and reporting for the police and other government departments.

Consolidating everything into one solution reduced administration and average handle time for customer payments and inquiries. Further, the company is less vulnerable to downtime, and agents can work anytime, anywhere with an internet connection.

Adopting a Blended AI Strategy

Taking advantage of the PureCloud application, Fjellinjen re-architected its customer service with a bot-first approach. Core to this was a blended artificial intelligence (AI) strategy — welcoming customers and directing them to use chatbots.

The company started small — with robotic process automation for specific communications like email, giving staff and technicians time to ramp up. Now, more than half of chat inquiries are solved automatically. And when the bot can’t answer a question, the contact is instantly escalated to the first available agent.

Agents use the Genesys desktop to review the chatbot conversation, along with the customer’s full history — making it much easier to resolve issues on the spot.

Impressive Results

Fjellinjen has witnessed improvements from the cloud model across the board — from a 30% savings on licensing costs to a 5% increase in agent productivity. It’s also seen improvements in service levels — 70% of phone and chat contacts are answered within 30 seconds; email response times decreased from 5 days to 24 hours. Surveys collected through the Genesys application confirm that 95% of calls are resolved the first time, contributing to a consistent satisfaction score of 90% or higher.

Pure Power

As Fjellinjen has discovered, the omnichannel routing of the Genesys app unifies all communication channels and interactions — enabling you to design, monitor and tune the entire customer journey. Agents can handle concurrent interactions and switch seamlessly among multiple channel types simultaneously. The combination of a massively powerful back end and incredibly simple front end delivers a holistic view of how your customers communicate — and that improves top-line and bottom-line growth.

The product also provides trust and transparency: The public-facing status page, with live updates and proactive notifications, ensures that everything runs smoothly and reliably. The product also enhances and personalizes the customer journey by leveraging blended AI — the valuable combination of the human element and machine learning that plays such an important role in the excellent record of issue resolution and customer satisfaction at Fjellinjen.

Its transition from an on-premises contact center solution to a cloud model has delivered the kind of success for which every company strives. See what the Genesys cloud application can do for you.