Personalization in life is important — whether it’s sending a hand-written thank you note after an interview or a well-chosen birthday gift. Personalization is equally important in delivering customer experience. Consumers now expect a highly individualized experience with companies — every time they interact.

But many companies get it wrong; simply serving ads to people doesn’t work.  Customers want personalization to simplify the interactions they have with businesses. According to the Acquia CX Report, 79% of customers feel like a generic customer rather than a unique individual.

The following blog posts explore the Genesys approach to personalization — ways to make consumers feel like they’re the only ones that matter during each interaction they have with your company. Learn how technology and data give every company — no matter its size — the ability to see their customers as unique people, not as numbers.

My First 100 Days: Customer Experience Gets Personal

As an industry leader, we’ve built authentic relationships with thousands of businesses worldwide. The Genesys Cloud offers the innate ability to bring together the enormous amounts of interaction data available to deliver personalized experiences rivaled by no other customer experience industry player. Read the blog.

Celebrate CX Day With a Fresh Approach to Personalization

The experience economy means that consumers have freedom and control over how they live their lives. They want to be treated as if they were your only customer — every single time they contact you. The personalization required to achieve this must focus on what the customer — not the business — wants. Read the blog.

Keep Up With Customer Expectations and Your CX Will Live Happily Ever After

The best way to keep experiences easy for your customers is with artificial intelligence (AI) and the cloud. AI lets you unlock everything you know about your customers, analyze the data in dimensions that haven’t been possible before, and use that data to understand your customers and provide the experience they want. Read the blog.

Get Personalization Right for Your Customers

Customer experience leader Jeanne Bliss and Genesys CEO Tony Bates share best practices for customer-focused personalization, including how to make every layer of your business customer-centric, empower your service reps, make the customer a priority and see every customer as a unique individual. Watch the webinar.

Deliver Seamless, Effortless and Personalized Experiences with Genesys

An auto insurance purchase and claim scenario demonstrates how to move easily among chat, phone, web, text, mobile app, and Facebook Messenger. Because Genesys has one routing engine for all customer touchpoints, it can prioritize and route interactions based on the customer’s needs rather than the channel used. Watch the video.

Genesys Cloud: One Platform to Power Innovation and Personalization
Technology is changing the way businesses innovate and deliver personal experiences. And the cloud, combined with digital technologies and AI are changing the status quo. New opportunities are being unlocked for customers, employees, and businesses. Dr. Peter Graf, Genesys Chief Strategy Officer, explains the future of personalization for customers and employees. Read the blog.

Reimagining the Voice of the Customer for 2024

By 2024, most interactions and experiences with our favorite brands will be built-in via sensors — physical and/or electronic — to gather feedback in real-time. We’ll see a need for new skills and specializations, including data analysts who combine data science with psychology, personalized journey designers and advanced Net Promoter Score systems that go beyond the simple query of: “How likely are you to recommend….” Blending technology and humans to create lasting and meaningful experiences is complex, continuous and intentional — but it’s all vital. Read the blog.

Few businesses are achieving the new standard of personalization today. Subscribe to the Genesys blog and receive a weekly email with the latest news, industry trends, technology advice and more.