The businesses we work with come in all sizes and sophistication stages worldwide, representing many different industries. Yet, nearly all of them have something in common: they want to solve the same problem, “How do we personalize service everywhere, every time?”

While it’s true that brands are getting better at tailoring specific engagements for individuals, most are still challenged to connect the full journeys of customers and employees.

More often than not, people still need to identify themselves when they contact a company. They repeat who they are and why they need service — not just once, but often to every employee or bot they are passed to before they get resolution. Their history doesn’t follow them as they move between voice and digital engagement channels and departments. This discontinuity exists because the technologies behind these interactions are unconnected.

The result: fragmented customer and employee experiences. Businesses lose traction through inefficient processes, high workforce churn, lost sales opportunities and unhappy customers.

The Convergence of Cloud, AI and Digital

The good news: The cloud, combined with digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the status quo.

New opportunities are being rapidly unlocked for customers, employees and businesses alike:

  • Customers are beginning to be introduced to new levels of personalization — imagine a world with tailored and predictive automation, communication channels and promotional offers built just for you — not just a marketing persona.
  • Employees jobs are getting exponentially better. They are matched to customer engagements and situations that best fit their skills and availability, and they can finally access the resources they need to do their best work for customers.
  • Businesses are achieving specific target outcomes (like higher customer satisfaction, increased revenue and decreased costs) with precision.

While it’s still early, leading companies are already realizing these breakthrough results because we’ve entered an era where cloud, AI and digital are converging. This masterful trifecta of technologies is propelling innovation at Genesys every day.

In fact, as part of our Summer Innovations, we’ve introduced a series of enhancements for chat and voicebots, messaging apps, predictive engagement, analytics and more. But the hallmark of our recent innovation cycle is our new orchestration capabilities powered by Genesys AI. It connects native and third-party AI technologies to enable the most comprehensive customer journey management available in the industry.

AI is best utilized when it’s embedded into your business processes and orchestrated to deliver the outcomes that matter to your organization. Businesses can’t do that well if their AI technologies are siloed.

Genesys AI offers one platform and one shared data model that makes it possible for multiple AI applications to work together harmoniously in real time from marketing to sales to service. By leveraging all relevant data throughout the customer’s entire journey, Genesys AI can orchestrate, measure and optimize processes at every touchpoint. It’s a game changer for our customers, enabling them to achieve 40-60% faster time to value.

Effortless Customer and Employee Journeys with Genesys Cloud

But the lodestone in this story is Genesys Cloud, our high-velocity innovation platform. It provides businesses with a fast, easy way to optimize customer and employee journeys — all through a single technology platform and provider. It puts AI and digital innovations at our customers’ fingertips. It simplifies businesses’ technology stacks and creates operational agility. And from all indications, customers really like it. In fact, last year at least one new company every day became a Genesys Cloud customer. This growth trajectory continues in 2019 with our Genesys Cloud revenue up 75% from Q1 2018.

When you hear about the latest developments coming from Genesys — the lion’s share is happening on the Genesys Cloud platform. Most recently, this means innovations like we just talked about: AI-powered customer and employee journeys, new digital channels and services and more.

By developing our newest functionality in the Genesys Cloud, we can use it across every product and solution we deliver to the market. That benefits customers no matter how they consume Genesys innovations. Our cloud customers, for instance, can take advantage of these capabilities as soon they are released. Our on-premises and hosted customers can enhance their existing system and investment by consuming new functionality from the Genesys Cloud in an integrated fashion.

Built on an award-winning, modern SaaS architecture, the Genesys Cloud is open, scalable and secure, giving our customers a battle-tested platform that’s validated with real-world loads and scaling. Genesys Cloud is what businesses were missing — it provides what they need now to innovate and differentiate themselves at every customer touchpoint. It’s simple to connect data, processes and systems through our open APIs, powerful orchestration and built-in integrations — enabling our customers to extend Genesys Cloud capabilities or customize the platform for their unique requirements. Our Genesys Cloud customers trigger more than 5 billion API invocations a month. Genesys Cloud can be your platform, too.

To get a closer look at how you can benefit from Genesys Cloud and our Summer Innovations register for our upcoming webinar.