Welcome to your customer experience training center, the place to become a customer experience guru—on-demand and at your own pace.  As a leader in the contact center, you focus on delivering great customer experience. In the daily scramble, it’s easy to lose sight of business trends and big-picture customer experience strategies that drive contact center advancements. We saw a need for non-technical, pragmatic, business use case-based educational materials for contact center leaders, so we created the Genesys Masters Series.

The CX Masters Series concentrates on foundational business concepts that support a customer experience transformation. Free and online, the courses will increase your understanding of how and why you can make customer experience your differentiator. Even if your company is customer experience-savvy, the courses will help you better articulate your customer experience vision and strategy to colleagues and customers.

Red Hat Gets a Strong Start to Customer Experience Excellence

Each CX Masters Series course starts with real customer cases, reflecting our belief that the best way to learn is through real-life examples. Red Hat, the world’s leading provider of open-source solutions, shares how they improved customer experience through intelligent routing and consolidated reporting.

Red Hat was faced with a challenge: They have contact centers and platforms spread across multiple locations in 30 countries. This gave customers a different customer experience, depending on where they were located and how disconnected systems routed their queries. Turning to a cloud-based solution that incorporates intelligent routing brought consistent customer experience quality to Red Hat. Contact center managers and business leaders gained a global view of customer experience, thanks to consolidated reporting. The first CX Masters Series course offers a clearer view of how Red Hat achieved a better, more differentiated customer experience.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Every company has specific needs and faces distinctive obstacles. The Red Hat story is just a starting point in the CX Masters Series—we understand that your situation is different. That’s why we have a group of subject matter experts (SME) to provide their insights on a wide range of business scenarios. Simply select a scenario from the interactive video playlist to see a more information on that topic.

Whether you want to balance human agents and bots or have unusually stringent security needs, the SMEs address it. They cover more than 20 different questions about intelligent routing and consolidated reporting. For example, you might wonder how intelligent routing and consolidated reporting benefit you, or you want to learn the best ways to introduce human agents to bots. The SMEs tackle hard questions like these—and others—with perspectives informed by their deep experience.

Broaden Your Customer Experience Mastery Now

We’ll release a new CX Masters Series course each quarter; the courses are always free and fun. And as you progress through them, you’ll gain an expanded understanding of customer experience and all the ways to impact your strategies and projects. You can also take the CX routing master quiz to test your knowledge. Get started today with CX Masters Series course #1 about intelligent routing and consolidated reporting—and get one step closer to becoming a customer experience hero at your company.