It’s shaping up to be the year of the enterprise for Genesys Cloud. An increasing number of today’s largest customer experience operations are turning to the composable all-in-one Genesys CloudTM platform to get more of what they need and build something truly unique. The good news is companies of all sizes are benefiting from its enterprise feature set, which continues to grow and evolve rapidly.

Following are a few capabilities that were added in January.

Workforce Engagement Management (WEM)

With an increasingly distributed, virtual workforce, it’s more important than ever to keep employees engaged and empowered to drive great customer experiences. It’s also crucial to be able to easily manage those resources.

New constraint violation messages improve the workforce management work plan validation process. Now work plans are marked valid or invalid when saved. These enhancements allow administrators and contact center managers to correct constraint violations quickly — before generating a schedule. This reduces scheduling errors and unnecessary rework.

Keyboard shortcuts and undo and redo buttons are now available for administrators and supervisors in the work plan view. This makes it easier to reverse or redo unsaved changes to a work plan name, optional day selections, added or deleted agents, shift constraints, and work plan constraints.

We also continue to enhance voice transcription capabilities. Several new languages are now supported, including France French (fr-FR), Canadian French (fr-CA), Italian (it-IT) and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR). A limited beat for voice transcription for physical edges has begun (for those who need them for media processing), with general availability expected soon.

Sentiment analysis for digital interactions, including email, chat and messaging is available. This enables supervisors to better understand a customer’s attitude during an interaction based on what they say — regardless of channel.

Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC)

Effortless collaboration is a must-have in our fast-paced work world. The new Genesys Cloud Communicate mobile app is available for download from the Apple App Store for companies taking advantage of built-in UCC capabilities in Genesys Cloud. Business users can now use Genesys Cloud to make IP-based calls from their mobile devices. This make is easier to stay in touch with colleagues, partners and customers no matter your location.

Analytics and APIs

Having a more holistic and accurate picture of customer activity lets you deliver better experiences. We continue to enhance Genesys Cloud Analytics for tracking customer engagement details, including APIs for making data available for use in other core business systems. New capabilities include the following.

  • Filter and column enhancements to the Scheduled Callbacks view: Easily find and view additional callback information. In addition, copy a callback Conversation ID to the clipboard to filter and share, when needed.
  • Additional options when exporting data from a view: Use advanced options to select a delimiter for the exported data, include a summary row, exclude empty rows and split the data by media type in the exported file.
  • Voice transcript search through speech and text analytics API: Search based on customer sentiment score and customer sentiment trend.
  • Retrieve digital interaction sentiment analysis via the Transcripts Aggregates Endpoint API.


An administrator’s user experience continues to improve in Genesys Cloud. Now it’s easier to set up and assign DID and toll-free numbers. The updated user interface shows unassigned numbers and allows administrators to assign them to a person, phone or call flow.

Look for More Genesys Cloud Enterprise Features in 2021

These are a few new WEM, UCC, analytics and administration features you can take advantage of in 2021. The flow of Genesys Cloud enterprise features continues to accelerate this year. Use this growing set of capabilities to move faster and improve supportability amid changing data, systems and channels. And use your own dev resources to build differentiation for your brand and deliver the super human experiences no one else can.

Check out the Genesys Cloud Release Notes for the full list. And bring any questions you have to the Community or your Genesys representative