As we kick off an exciting 2017, hot on the heels of Genesys acquiring Interactive Intelligence, we want to provide an update on the AppFoundry program and our AppFoundry roadmap for 2017.

2016 was our first year offering the program to our ISV and technology partners. Since the launch, we’ve grown to over 120 applications from over 50 partners. The DevFoundry developer enablement program has also grown by leaps and bounds, doubling its staff and registering over 500 active users. Everyone at Genesys is thrilled with the success of the program and looks forward to bringing more value to our ecosystem in 2017.

The Genesys ecosystem has added a powerful new tool that is helping make the Genesys Platform an even more critical asset to our joint customers.

A Single CX Marketplace, Addressing Enterprise, Commercial/Mid-Market, and SMB

With the acquisition of ININ, Genesys now offers the leading CX platform across all market segments, from enterprise, to mid-market, and small businesses.

Genesys AppFoundry Roadmap 2017

In March of 2017, Genesys will unveil a unified marketplace program that incorporates the Interactive Intelligence marketplace programs. This will add many applications for the CIC/CaaS platform (now called PureConnect) and PureCloud. Accordingly, this will also expand the reach or your market as a Genesys partner, giving you the opportunity to extend your partnership/app to address these platforms as well.

New Listing Types and Categories

As part of the AppFoundry roadmap we will be adding in addition to the Core Integration and Extension partner categories, a new category for Enhancements. The Enhancement category will be reserved for packaged enhancements to the Genesys Platform. These can include routing templates, custom reports, and minor desktop integrations. Initially, Enhancement applications will be focused on the PureConnect platform, but will extend to PureEngage and PureCloud over time.

In the second half of 2017, we will be offering the option of certain hardware and SI/VAR partners to create listings at a company level, in order make the AppFoundry a one-stop directory for all partners in the Genesys ecosystem.

Enhanced Marketing and Lead Generation for AppFoundry Partners

The AppFoundry roadmap includes dedicated marketing campaigns for AppFoundry listings, which we will begin offering in February. Initially, this program will be focused on high-potential partners that are getting the strongest traction with our customers. Starting in August, we will provide equal access to AppFoundry marketing activities for all partners through the ability to purchase marketing packages including activities like webinars, blogs, email campaigns and event sponsorship.

New Partner Applications

Our effort to unveil a unified AppFoundry marketplace and ISV partner program in March is focused on incorporating the partners and application in the Interactive Intelligence Marketplace and laying the foundation for a single program through which you can get access to all three of the Genesys Platforms: PureCloud, PureConnect, and PureEngage.

While we undergo this important transformation, please pardon a delay in processing new partner applications. We’d like to ask you to get back to us by April, once the new program has been finalized. We won’t be able to process new partner applications from January to March.

It’s important to note that the structure and values of the program will not change. If you are an existing AppFoundry partner, your partner terms will not change and your listings will remain active throughout the transition.

Find out more about the Genesys AppFoundry and sign up to be a partner here.