Customer expectations are higher than ever. What was exceptional yesterday is expected today. And if you’re not thinking ahead, you’re already in the rear-view mirror. To deliver the best experiences, you need the customer experience (CX) technology that’s always coordinating every element of every customer’s journey to better meet their needs.

According to the recent Genesys “State of Customer Experience” report, 91% of consumers worldwide say one of the most important attributes of customer service for the companies they do repeat business with is that “they listen to me and understand what I’m trying to achieve.” That’s the power of data and CX technology — guiding the customer journey and providing the right information at the right time to the agents.

Genesys continues its drive to deliver the power of empathy to every customer experience at scale. We believe delighting customers is core to delivering unforgettable experiences and creating lifetime loyalty. Our best-in-class technology is designed to orchestrate powerful relationships between businesses, customers and employees. Contact center employees can make split-second decisions and predict the next-best action, resulting in the best customer experience.

Following the news about our multi-year agreement with Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 and Ferrari Le Mans Hypercar as an official team partner, we’re excited to gear up for the first Formula 1 race, Bahrain Grand Prix, on March 5. Both Ferrari and Genesys share the excitement of seeing around corners and using data and technology to anticipate what’s next. Similar to how an F1 race team uses real-time data to make split-second decisions for drivers and the pit crew, the Genesys Cloud™ platform provides the right data, artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive routing capabilities to empower organizations to drive superior customer and employee experiences.

“Ferrari and Genesys share a passion for customers and a drive for innovation, teamwork and winning outcomes. It is all about the team for both of our global brands, and we each empower our teams with technology and data that advances human understanding at every turn,” said Tony Bates, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Genesys. “That’s how we drive amazing experiences.”

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To provide these amazing experiences, you need the ability to constantly innovate for better human understanding by becoming people-centric. You need to use real-time data to make performance decisions for personalized customer and employee experiences. And you need a capable partner to work with you throughout it all. Here’s how we make it happen.

Experience Orchestration: Rather than automating the same repetitive experience, Genesys uses dynamic data and AI-powered technology to create exponential value for customers, employees and your business by coordinating every step of every experience.

Genesys Cloud: Support people-centric experiences with all-in-one platform that allows for effortless innovation with leading capabilities that are turnkey, smart, and easy to adopt and design to.

Journey Management: Optimize customer journeys by monitoring and analyzing customer experiences across all channels and bridge the gap between digital, chat/AI, IVR and voice.

Digital Empowerment: Empower customers to self-serve; empower companies to understand digital body language; and empower agents with a more modern experience.

Employee Experience: Unleash employee superpowers and reduce employee turnover, motivate employees with gamification and get real-time analytics on interactions.

Innovation, teamwork and performance — we’re “Driven by Experiences.” And that’s how we help companies provide superior customer and employee experiences.

Stayed tuned for upcoming Genesys and Scuderia Ferrari collaborations and videos that showcase the combined power of data, innovation, technology and teamwork. Learn more about Experience Orchestration here.