Great customer experiences don’t happen by chance. They’re the result of implementing a set of strategically designed principles and practices in an environment that’s optimized for success. This includes having the right mix of technology to support today’s increasingly complex customer journeys and business demands. Yet, moving away from outdated, disconnected contact center systems to a modern omnichannel platform can seem overwhelming and complicated. It doesn’t have to be.

In our blog series CX Migration Secrets, we’re counting down seven often-overlooked insights that can help guide your successful contact center migration. We encourage you to follow along on the Genesys blog as we reveal each secret.

Outdated Technology Is a Competitive Disadvantage
The first CX migration secret is that holding off on a contact center modernization is riskier than you think. Not only does it hinder your ability to meet today’s customer expectations, but it can also negatively affect business outcomes. In other words, your competitors likely are working on their own migration plans while quietly hoping that you take a wait-and-see approach.

The adoption of new technologies and communication channels is driving the trend toward digital transformation. And this is propelled further by the shift toward customer experience overtaking price and product as the key brand differentiator. Companies are faced with the multifaceted challenge of delivering an omnichannel customer experience to drive revenue, loyalty and customer satisfaction. Thus, continuing to rely on aging, legacy systems sets you up for increasing challenges and costs with diminishing returns.

According to 2018 Dimension Data research, companies with the strongest customer engagement strategies retain an average 89% of their customers. This is compared to 33% for those with weak engagement strategies. As the cost of acquiring and retaining customers continues to rise, it’s easy to calculate how risky the decision is to delay migration and digital transformation.

The Benefits of Acting Sooner—Not Later
Your contact center technology should help you deliver what your customers and business need—when they need it. It should be simple to manage and deliver value that exceeds its costs. By starting your migration journey, you’ll be on the road to delivering consistent and connected service across all channels and touchpoints. And you’ll eliminate the costly maintenance of keeping an outdated, inflexible and aging system on life support. With the right customer experience solution provider, you’ll also gain the innovation, vision, leadership, and investment to guide your ongoing success.

Take That First Step
Undoubtedly, there are many considerations when starting your migration journey. However, with the right partner to help guide each step, you can confidently make the necessary changes to reduce your risks and benefit from your technology investment sooner.

Transformation begins with four straightforward steps:

  • Imagine what it looks like to exceed your customer and business expectations
  • Define a solution for a solid foundation
  • Migrate with confidence—preparing you for current and future demands
  • Achieve your desired business outcomes

Customer experience is more important than ever; the secret to success includes migrating from legacy contact center infrastructure to a modern omnichannel solution that moves your business forward. And that success takes shape in the form of measurable improvements to customer experience, digital business acceleration, revenue, and market differentiation.

Don’t risk falling behind. Find out how to start your successful migration and digital transformation. Join Genesys and Frost & Sullivan for the Virtual summit: Contact center modernization and the dangers of standing still.

And stay tuned here for more CX Migration Secrets.

CX Migration Secret #6: Life Gets Easier

CX Migration Secret #5: Gaining Internal Support Is Easier Than You Think

CX Migration Secret #4: Same-Vendor Contact Center Upgrades are Like Icebergs

CX Migration Secret #3: Not All Cloud Contact Centers are Created Omnichannel

CX Migration Secret #2: Same-Vendor Cloud Solutions Aren’t Risk-Free

CX Migration Secret #1: Your Contact Center Project Isn’t a Project