Many decisions we face involve the counterintuitive—something that’s opposite of what common sense or conventional wisdom would have you believe. There are examples at home, like shocking a pool with more chlorine to get rid of a strong chlorine smell. There are practical and potentially life-saving examples like counter-steering—turning a vehicle left to go right, at speed—and relaxing instead of trying to swim when struggling in the water. And there are profound examples, such as how great success often results from doing something that increases your risk of failure. It’s amazing how often counterintuitive is the right choice.

You might be facing this right now with your contact center and customer experience technology. You need to support digital transformation; your legacy system is making it tough (or nearly impossible) to deliver on business goals. But it seems like migrating to a new contact center solution would make things even more difficult. Here’s a secret—and the seemingly counterintuitive part—migration makes life easier.

It’s stressful to leave the familiar and get to the cloud; everyone is afraid of change. But it’s worth it because it will make your life easier.

In the first blog in our CX Migration Secrets series, we examined the benefits of acting sooner, rather than later, to modernize contact center technology and avoid the risk of falling behind. Now let’s look at four ways that migrating from aging, disparate systems to a modern, omnichannel cloud platform makes life easier.

  1. Reduce integration issues that affect business operations. Consolidating from multiple disparate systems reduces the headaches of staffing, scheduling, and reporting. Routing limitations and complicated workarounds become a distant memory. And you’ll gain consistency across reporting data.
  2. Reduce IT support and development/engineering challenges. Consume upgrades faster without dependencies on multi-vendor versions and requirements—and enjoy the simplicity of consistent terminology. No need to replicate configuration data across multiple systems and environments. You’ll have the access you need to a relational data model and the ability to control your source code.
  3. Remove customer experience limitations; deliver what the business needs when they need it. Give agents dynamic queue treatments and context data that can reduce handle time and transfers; improves first contact resolution; and boosts satisfaction, Net Promoter Scores, and loyalty. And with complete, correct and reliable data, you can support better decision making.
  4. Increase business agility and simplify processes by moving to a single, cloud-based omnichannel solution.  Reduce TCO by consolidating outdated systems that are expensive to maintain and operate. And future-proof your business for digital and artificial intelligence (AI)-powered predictive engagement, self-service with voice and chatbots, predictive routing, and interaction analytics.

There really is a light at the end of the technology migration tunnel; just ask Quicken. The financial services firm deployed the platform in just two months and realized a 412% ROI within the first three months after implementation.

“The greatest impact of the PureCloud platform was how easily we could control the customer experience.”

Ian Roberts, Operations Leader, Quicken Customer Care

If you think migration could make your life easier, join Genesys and Frost & Sullivan for the Virtual summit: Contact center modernization and the dangers of standing still. And stay tuned here at the Genesys blog for the next CX Migration Secret.