In business (as in life) reputation matters. But today, building and maintaining a solid business standing isn’t as straightforward as in days past. You can’t get by on just having the highest quality or the lowest price.

Now, reputation lives or dies on the totality of the experience you provide to customers. In fact, everything matters. Every incremental touch point along the way – every online advertisement, website page, sales offer, shopping experience, automated chat bot, service call – matters. It all counts in the mind of the customer, blending together to formulate the “experience” you’ve provided them and creating the “reputation” you’ve earned.

That’s why customer experience (CX) is quickly becoming the most important brand differentiator and a critical component for companies seeking to build and manage its reputation. The world’s most well-known and valuable brands already know this. They all get the fact that CX is critical to not only attracting and maintaining new customers but also turning them into brand advocates.

These companies come from a wide array of industries and face very different challenges in their day-to-day operations. However, they have a couple of things in common:

  1. Their positive brand reputation was built on their commitment to delivering stellar CX.
  2. Sixty percent of them have Genesys Customer Experience Platform at their core.

This isn’t a coincidence.

The truth is, building a better customer experience and a powerful reputation is far from easy. While CX leaders may make it look like a walk in the park, we know how difficult it can be to create an environment where support is available to customers across every channel, day and night. In order to get it right, CX leaders have to hire the right talent, promote the best employees, implement leading technology and think about CX from end-to-end.

And, that’s not all. CX leaders know it’s critical to celebrate a culture that puts the customer at the center of everything. And, they make sure they recognize high-achieving employees who do whatever it takes to help customers. That’s why we have a formal awards program that enables our customers to applaud the men and women in their organizations who go above and beyond to take CX to new heights.

The Genesys Customer Innovation Awards: Nominations are Open

As the world’s leading provider of omnichannel customer experience and contact center solutions and a list of customers that tops 10,000, we get to work with some of the most impressive customer service leaders across the globe. Nothing gives us greater pleasure than celebrating their successes and bringing them together to share their knowledge and best practices.

One way we do this is through the annual Genesys Customer Innovation Awards. Now in its 13th consecutive year, this awards program enables us to recognize the innovation, ingenuity, and dedication CX leaders put into making their customers’ experiences the top priority.

I am excited to share that our nomination process is now open for the Customer Innovation Awards! You can nominate your company for one of five award categories:

  • The CX Globetrotter – the best global rollout of the Genesys platform
  • The CX Innovator – the best omnichannel customer success story
  • The CX Pioneer – the best new customer who is breaking silos with a fast deployment
  • The CX Mover – the best cloud customer migration and/or deployment
  • The CX Visionary – the best success story of switching to Genesys from another platform

This year, we have an exciting change to our CX Pioneer award category. It is now split to cover different contact center sizes. If you are a new Genesys customer that has a small, mid-sized or a large contact center, you can nominate your organization for this award according to the scale of your deployment.

Winning Starts with a Nomination

We are proud to recognize CX innovators from around the world. Most importantly, appreciate the ongoing opportunity to help your business solve critical problems. While we have numerous deserving customers, there’s only one way to grab one of this year’s awards: submit your nominations by March 5, 2018.

Recognize Your Own Customer Experience Innovators

Whether you submit a nomination for a Genesys Customer Innovation Award or not, take time throughout 2018 to recognize and honor the men and women in your company that contribute to your CX success!

After all, building a market-leading service organization takes a village. How do you recognize your village throughout the year? From contact center agents to IT staff to HR recruiters, many people throughout your organization play a big part in helping you up the customer experience game. Let them know their contributions matter!

Please note: Genesys employees, customers, and partners are eligible to nominate any Genesys customer for a 2018 Customer Innovation Award.