The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of business in numerous ways. When lockdowns made it necessary for its employees to work from home, Company Nurse, which provides nurse triage for injured workers and eases the process of workers’ compensation, used the Genesys Cloud™ platform to meet both its employees’ and clients’ needs. A core value at Company Nurse is “Compassion for everyone.” Following this guiding principle to deliver empathy to its customers, the company used the Genesys platform to develop a solution that provides virtual COVID-19 screening for everyone who enters its clients’ workplaces.

I recently spoke with Henry Svendblad, Chief Technology Officer at Company Nurse, about its approach to customer experience (CX), third-party integrations, and the future of digital and artificial intelligence (AI).

How has your approach to CX shifted over the past five years?

Henry Svendblad: Company Nurse is constantly evolving. A few years ago, we anticipated the need for an omnichannel contact center to meet a changing and increasingly younger workforce. To accomplish this, we knew we needed to implement a new contact center solution. In addition, Company Nurse wanted to manage our agents and these omnichannel interactions more efficiently and programmatically via APIs.

That led us to work with Genesys. We now provide a digital omnichannel experience with the Genesys Cloud 3 for every Company Nurse agent. This is accomplished with predictive routing, leveraging Genesys APIs and the mobile SDK.

How has the cloud enabled your company to deliver a better customer experience?

Svendblad: We were able to shift to 100% remote work within days of COVID-19 lockdowns, allowing us to immediately focus on our clients’ needs. Based on conversations with our clients, we wanted to create a solution beyond our core nurse triage service to help organizations manage the health and safety of their stakeholders, including employees, students, parents, members and visitors.

Company Nurse used Genesys APIs to develop Lintelio, an innovative COVID-19 digital screening and triage guidance solution to help organizations maintain healthy work environments. Lintelio has evolved into a new business venture that allows organizations to proactively manage the health and safety of their employees. In less than a year, it has added 50,000 users and is completing over 100,000 weekly health transactions for more than 100 organizations across 700 locations.

What partner or third-party integrations do you utilize?

Svendblad: Unlike other employee-wellness solutions, Lintelio focuses on the health and safety for all stakeholders of an organization. Our integrations with Company Nurse solutions provide an intake, triage and reporting system for workers’ compensation claims for employees; health and COVID-19 symptom checker; testing and vaccination reporting; and an organization administration and communication portal.

Company Nurse has dozens of integrations with leading workers’ compensation claims platforms. Inflow Communications acted as our Genesys partner and helped us in our journey, while Object Systems International provided the development resources to develop our Lintelio solution.

Our third-party integrations and partners beyond Genesys include:

  • Twilio for high-throughput SMS alerts and One Time Passwords (OTP)
  • Microsoft Azure for SAML2 Single Sign On
  • NOVOSI for Live Agent Video integration
  • Pypestream for our AI Virtual Assistant “Lin”
  • Concentra for provider information, referrals and no-show information
  • OneCall Relay Ride service for transportation

Tell us about your approach to digital. What channels do you support and what channels do you plan to support in the future?

Svendblad: We believe that digital channels accessed via our Lintelio solution can offload repetitive tasks from live agents or other resources. This enables a much better user experience and, in the case of Lintelio, a safer organizational environment for everyone involved. We currently support chat, SMS, voice and video channels. For the future, we are looking at other channels and methods, including Microsoft Teams, Slack, WhatsApp and more as they become available and are requested by our customers.

If your customers have self-service options, what does that journey look like for them?

Svendblad: With the increase in remote working, it has become more difficult for employees to access and navigate their healthcare, benefits and communications with their employers, schools, events or membership organizations. At the same time, these organizations are expected to be more engaged in the health, safety and wellness of their constituents to drive satisfaction and participation.

With Lintelio, organizations can provide their employees with direct access to the care and information they need. Once opening the digital tool, users are just a few taps away from their health, wellness and safety benefits, including Company Nurse triage for workplace injuries; employee assistance programs; a health and COVID symptom checker; testing and vaccination reporting; urgent alerts, notifications, and reminders; attendance reporting; and any other resources their employer wants to include.

We created Lintelio so that organizations can empower their employees and other stakeholders to access the care and safety resources they need, when they need them.

How does Lintelio help organizations address evolving COVID-19 regulations?

Svendblad: With everything going on with COVID-19 testing and vaccine mandates, we are busy helping our customers through these regulations. A recent federal mandate directs the Labor Department to require all businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are either vaccinated or tested once a week. Employers now face a sudden need to have an efficient testing and vaccination reporting process to help follow these regulations. Lintelio offers COVID-19 health screenings, as well as testing and vaccination management, to help organizations maintain a healthy work environment. The workplace health and safety tool also offers an admin portal so that employers can securely manage reports and results to prove that they are following these regulations, if necessary.

What are the biggest opportunities for digital and AI within CX?

Svendblad: With the growth in remotely accessed and virtual services, AI has the potential to offload simple and repetitive tasks from live agents — m­­aking contact centers and organizations much more efficient at handling any interaction. Additionally, we are exploring other AI solutions that can provide real-time assistance to agents.

Company Nurse and Lintelio received a 2021 Genesys Customer Innovation Award in the category CX Creator Best customization success story – for the innovative new service it built on Genesys Cloud.