Am I lucky or is the question in the title true? I’m living proof that cloud contact center software can be easy to install and administer.

Quick background: I started my career selling advertising space in The Yellow Pages. Can you believe I still count as a millennial? Fast forward to today, I’ve been working for three and a half years on PureCloud by Genesys. I’m still in newlywed love with the product, consider myself THE “big sister,” and I’m continually amazed that I can configure and onboard the entire software platform without development or services help. As a marketer, I’ve dabbled in WordPress and Photoshop, but my technical experience began with PureCloud. I’m sure you’re thinking it must be luck.

My inner geek was released when talking to a PureCloud customer last week for a case study. This particular CIO worked in the tech industry and was looking to replace his current cloud contact center with a more robust omnichannel offering. We started the interview with the “usual” interview questions. To my delight, this conversation quickly turned into a heart to heart when the topic turned to his experience with the administration and deployment of the product. He told me that he selected interns straight out of college—without a technology background to architect, administrator, and deploy PureCloud. This CIO just took easy-to-use and install cloud contact center to the next level! How can two interns with no contact center experience make this happen? Here are three ways:

1. Cloud Configuration and ACD Routing

The CIO signed up for a free 30-day trial and instructed the interns to mirror the current contact center setup. The system was so intuitive that the pair just used the documentation in the PureCloud Resource Center. When questions came up, the interns posted in the PureCloud Community.

The PureCloud Community was recently launched and has quickly become an active customer resource where you can start a conversation or ask questions to PureCloud customers, partners, and experts. These greenhorns reconstructed the current ACD routing logic and set up a PureCloud contact center in two days! The same exercise took three weeks in the cloud contact center sandbox of a competitor.

The CIO appreciated the fact that he did not have to spend so much time configuring PureCloud because he was in the final stages of an RFP process and had selected three vendors to trial before making the final decision.

2. Phone Administration and New Agent Onboarding

The interns did such a great job setting up the system in two days that they were asked to configure phones so more users could test the system. Right out of the gate, they set up a WebRTC phone for all contact center users. The interns also sent a list of links and videos to new users from the resource center explaining how to start using PureCloud. During the trial the interns were available to chat with contact center mangers in a persistent PureCloud room to get feedback and administer and necessary changes to the system in real time.

3. Contact Center Deployment

During the 30-day trial period, PureCloud was selected as the software of choice. The interns trained the contact center managers to onboard all agents to PureCloud. The only thing left to do was port over existing numbers from his current provider to PureCloud Voice. The CIO had been though the exercise recently replacing a PBX. What took him about five days then took about five seconds with PureCloud. End-to-end, this entire process took about three weeks.

After hearing this story, I am pleasantly surprised—although a little disappointed—to find out I am not lucky. Cloud contact centers can be easy to deploy!

If you don’t believe me, come see for yourself and ask questions about administration, configuration, and architecture in the next PureCloud Global Webinar, All Cloud Contact Center Software Is Not Created Equal.


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