Several factors mold our core values — where we live, the beliefs our family instilled in us while we were growing up, how our brains are wired and countless other things. Our values are part of who we are. And no matter how much things have changed over time in the world, we’re all still humans who often connect with one another through our values.

Last year, Genesys partnered with The Valuegraphics Project on a global survey of more than 16,000 contact center employees from different business functions. The study focused on these employees’ personal values — what they care about most in life and how that translates into the workplace.

The results give companies a better understanding of what motivates employees so they can redesign the working environment to retain staff, keep employees challenged and motivated, and deliver lasting positive changes to both their customers and their agents.

This goal of giving employees the tools they need to feel engaged and fulfilled in the workplace goes beyond the contact center. It’s a core value at Genesys, too, where managers contribute to employees’ growth — professionally and personally.

Following are stories from two Genesys employees about how working for a company that’s core values rise to match its employees is beneficial to everyone.

Experience and Empathy

“When I started with Genesys, everything felt new and exciting to me. I’ve tried to explore and experience all the things the company has to offer, including joining employee clubs. Before, the clubs available were more physical, such as sports and fitness, or performance-related like singing and playing instruments.

So, I talked to a colleague, and we had the idea to create a learning club for speakers. We put together a proposal, connected with the right people and that’s how GenTalk was created.

What I love about Genesys is how much it values experience and empathy. These values are a perfect combination to give people a chance to create new opportunities for themselves and the company. As a result, it develops a new breed of individuals who positively influence the organization.

Today, our team gives us more room to grow by connecting and collaborating with passionate and engaged people across the organization. And being surrounded by a team of empathetic and experience-focused individuals made my continuous journey in Genesys worthwhile.”

– Pam Villa-Real, Proposal Manager, RFP

Co-Creating the Employee Experience

“My first work anniversary with Genesys also marked the first full year that I was working remotely. At that time, in 2021, many people expected the world to return to normal, including employees going back to the office.

As we now know, 2021 was even more unpredictable than anyone imagined. It’s now 2022, and even with all of that, I am still enamored daily to work with Genesys. I have no plans of going anywhere any time soon.

Here’s why.

There has been a long-running assumption that for a company to be a great place to work, it has to offer all the best perks. Most of these perks — everything from gym facilities to a karaoke room — have been typically tied with the physical office.

Any Genesys office will be awesome with its own fun benefits, depending on the region. But throughout the course of this pandemic, we’ve witnessed Genesys put empathy into action, shifting focus from the traditional “perks” to the human side of work.

Genesys recognizes that once basic needs are met, people are more powerfully motivated by feelings than by material features. This required a shift in the work mindset.

During a recent design thinking training, everyone was brought into the process to co-create with the organization and iterate over time. This mindset shift landed in the direction where employees’ real-world needs were met. As an employee, I was supported financially, physically and emotionally. We experienced being more than just our work. We were treated as people, not just workers.

I work in an environment where I want my manager to know about my personal commitments because I can trust that they’ll accommodate me where possible. Most companies will offer professional growth. Genesys afforded me that, too. But it also made opportunities available for my personal growth.

By broadening the definition of development, Genesys keeps me growing professionally and personally. And I can continuously develop my learning skills that transfer over to everything else I do for the larger team. I am encouraged to bring my authentic self to work and hold honest conversations about well-being while still being clear on do’s and don’ts.

I am glad to be part of a company that has a conscience as the organization champions empathy in action in societal issues and the world at large beyond just issuing a statement.

And that’s just in the last two years. What more is to come in the next few years?

At Genesys, I feel seen and recognized — no need for a karaoke room.”

– Kenji Siao, Learning Manager, Talent and Learning

Valuing Humans Is a Human Value

At Genesys, we don’t just talk about empathy, we put empathy into action. We’re involved and supportive of one another — personally and professionally.

We continue to put steps in place today to change the future. The first step can be as simple as being more present as a colleague and a friend. We’ve found from research and personal experiences that understanding what your employees value most can unleash their motivation and improve their overall satisfaction. That fulfillment spills over to others. And that’s the essence of human values.