The Genesys PureCloudTM platform now features new functionality that enables the recording of agent desktop activity. Synchronized playback of audio and screen recording enhances quality management capabilities and provides a 360-degree view of agent activity.

Key Points for Screen Recording:

  • Recording of agent desktop activity is available for PureCloud 3 seats.
  • Screen recording is currently supported for agents using the PureCloud desktop client.
  • Screen recording is available for all supported automatic call distributor (ACD) interaction types.
  • Screen recording is configured with Quality Management recording policies.

Feature Overview

Screen recording of agent desktop activity lets contact center managers realize efficiency improvements as well as cost-saving benefits. Recording agent screen activity, in addition to calls or handling of other media types, is key to assess how efficiently and effectively agents navigate an organization’s systems to address customer needs. Hearing what the agent is saying, while also seeing where they are looking for information or how they navigate between different screens and applications, provides full insight into an agent’s activity and the workflow for different types of interactions.

Screen Recording of Agent Desktop Activity

Contact centers can record agent screen activity while also recording any type of available interaction. Multiple types of interactions can be recorded concurrently, as configured by policies. For example, if an agent is handling two email exchanges and two chats simultaneously, and the recording policy is configured to record email and chat, the result is four recordings. The agent is not notified when they are being recorded; however, if an evaluation is shared with an agent, then that agent can review any recording in which he or she was a participant.  Screen recordings are streamed to the cloud. As new interaction types are introduced to the PureCloud platform, screen recording will also be supported for those channels.

Policy-Based Screen Recording

Quality Administrators can configure screen recording policies by queue, date range or agent. Policies can be further configured by the duration of conversation (shorter than, between a specific length or longer than), and may optionally record after call work (ACW) activity. Administrators can specify retention, archiving and deletion policies for screen recordings separate from audio recordings and evaluations.

Recording Limits

Once a recording reaches nine hours in length, it will automatically end. ACW activity is limited to 15 minutes of recording time; the recording will be available for the interaction when viewing the Interaction Details page. Administrators can set limits on the number of simultaneous screen recordings. The number of simultaneous screen recordings defaults to 100 and can be configured to a maximum of 500. Recordings will be retained for 90 days, by default, with a configuration maximum of 365 days.

Secure Pause Screen Recording

Use of the secure audio pause feature during an interaction will simultaneously pause the screen recording to maintain compliance.

Recording Playback

Quality evaluators can play back screen recordings while also playing the recording of the interaction. When a screen recording is played for voice interactions, screen activity remains synchronized with agent and customer audio. Evaluators can opt to play or not play a screen recording associated with a recorded call. In the case of non-voice interaction types, a separate transcript of the conversation is provided, along with the screen recording. Screen recordings are available for download.

Using Agent Desktop Screen Recordings

Agent desktop screen recordings can help to identify the following:

  1. Why certain types of interactions take longer to handle than others
  2. How well the agent understands the applications
  3. Whether issues are related to agent problems or system issues
  4. How to handle multiple overlapping interactions
  5. Agent access to unauthorized activity
  6. Adherence to compliance requirements and regulations
  7. Best practices for agent performance
  8. Best practices for handling various interaction types

To learn more about the screen recording feature, visit Help.MyPureCloud.