February 10, 2021 – Duration: 20:29

S1 Ep. 10 Design systems: Build better and faster with shared wisdom

Building new features every week in the Genesys CloudTM platform takes expertise. Developers need the domain know-how to create powerful tools their end users will love. But it's unrealistic to expect every developer to understand intuitive user interfaces and best practices. If the new feature isn't easy to use, end users will waste valuable time setting it up. In this episode, Leon Vymenets, Director of Design Systems at Genesys, explains how design systems create a better user experience with a central source of guidelines. Developers can build things faster for their end users. And end users benefit from more consistent and easy-to-use interface features.



Leon Vymenets

Design Systems Director

As the Design System Director at Genesys, Leon is responsible for making all aspects of the cloud UI consistent and inclusive. This includes the creation and evolution of the Spark Design System for the cloud software platform. Leon brings over 17 years of UX and UI experience in consumer and enterprise products.

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