The strategy of applying a good offense to increase your defenses has been applied successfully in many ways — from military actions and sports plays to patent protection and business plans. As competition increases and customer service becomes more of a key competitive differentiator, applying this strategy when upgrading your digital customer experience could prove useful.

Consider the game of football. Success often hinges on the amount of time one team possesses the ball versus the other team. When looking at this metric, as opposed to just points earned, you gain insight into the strategy, strengths and weaknesses of each team. By taking an offensive approach to their defense, the winning team keeps the ball on the opponent’s side of the field to not only score points but also prevent the other team from scoring. It’s a proven, winning strategy.

When upgrading a call center, the strategy rings true for a number of reasons — the most of which is how you measure your ROI. Often, we base our decision solely on price and how it affects the bottom line (defense) — not on the overall value the investment provides throughout its life (offense).

Nemertes Research explored this theory and tested its applicability to the true value companies experience when upgrading their call centers to a Genesys cloud-based call center software solution. Here are some takeaways: Genesys isn’t always the least expensive option (though many times we are), but we do provide the best offensive strategy. Four Genesys customers from various vertical markets reported the following benefits in the Nemertes Research study:

  • 32% cost savings by scaling to seasonal demands
  • 36% decrease in full-time equivalent managers
  • 2% increase in customer satisfaction in just six months
  • Eliminated $3,000 in outside support spends
  • Created five new international contact centers within 18 months

As our world grows increasingly competitive and contact centers become more complex, particularly for small and mid-size organizations, ensuring a solid strategic approach to customer experience and to upgrading call center platforms — and seeing a positive ROI — can’t be over emphasized.

The good news is that proof points beyond the initial spend are available for consideration. Existing PureCloud® customers provide that. From increasing first-call resolutions to reducing call handle time, call time in queue and call abandonment rates, the value-add of upgrading your customer experience solution can be — and will be — more than simply reducing spend.

When thinking about improving your customer experience and upgrading your call center, look beyond just a discounted offer. Explore the benefits of a good offense by improving your call center on more levels than spend. Costs are important to the bottom line, but so is providing a great customer experience and having efficient agents. Help your defense (protecting the bottom line) by taking a proactive approach to win over your customers with superior service that’s powered by a partner who delivers results, stability and security.

It’s game time. What does your winning strategy look like? Read more about the Nemertes Research study and register for the on-demand webinar today.