These days, the world expects constant improvement in all things. Consumers expect improved products and services, along with great customer service. This is a challenge that companies have always been up against, but as the rate of improvement continues to increase, it creates a host of obstacles for businesses who strive to deliver world-class customer experiences. One of the largest challenges to the improvement of service is friction.

Friction to progress and innovation can be defined as the cost, effort and risk a business faces to implement a new technology or process. The promise of improvement must outweigh the friction of implementation; if the benefit doesn’t outweigh the friction, then efforts are placed elsewhere. Customers want maximum time-to-value, and why shouldn’t they?

The challenge of friction is something the Genesys Cloud solution has been tackling head-on since its inception. And we release new features and capabilities to our platform every week. Upgrades to the solution are seamless to end users—it just takes a simple click to accept updates within a browser window.

Premium Client Applications

Recently we released a new capability to our Genesys Cloud called Premium Client Applications, which enable you to purchase third-party integrations and add-ons from Genesys AppFoundry. The Genesys Cloud supports two models for consumption of Premium Client Applications: Fixed Monthly Fee and User License.

Purchased Premium Client Applications are invoiced by Genesys or Genesys resellers as a part of a monthly Genesys Cloud subscription fee, as a separate line item. Applications in this category all accommodate Single Sign-On (SSO) for agents and supervisors for ease of use with the Genesys Cloud platform.

Easy Click-to-Install Format

To qualify for a Premium Client Application, each AppFoundry vendor is required to provide an automated installation and setup. Upon purchase from Genesys AppFoundry, Premium Client Applications are immediately discoverable and available within the Genesys Cloud. For the end user, deploying a Premium Client Application takes less than five minutes. Every application in this category has been built to accelerate speed-to-use, to deliver optimal time-to-value. This concept is the central theme behind the development of Premium Client Applications.  Reducing the time-to-implement ultimately minimizes friction to improve operations and customer service.

Example: nGAGEMENT

The first Premium Client Application for the Genesys Cloud is nGAGEMENT by nGUVU; already available from Genesys AppFoundry. On-premises deployments for integration to other platforms commonly take four to six weeks to set up for a variety of reasons. As a Premium Client Application running inside the Genesys Cloud nGAGEMENT can go from installation, setup and data sync in less than five minutes. And nGAGEMENT handles all the heavy lifting in a wizard (see below).

Example: PureInsights

PureInsights is another early example of a Premium Client Application for the Genesys Cloud—available from Genesys AppFoundry. PureInsights installation and setup are handled so quickly, it doesn’t even require an installation wizard. Capabilities like configuring your first dashboard are available immediately after launching the application. Below is an example of a dashboard I created in minutes after installing PureInsights.

Example: Survey Dynamix

Survey Dynamix is another early example of a Premium Client Application for Genesys Cloud available from Genesys AppFoundry.  Survey Dynamix’s installation occurs with just a couple minutes just like the others.  A Genesys Cloud customer can begin configuring customer surveys across all their channels immediately.  Insights into the voice of the customer appear in these seamless embedded dashboards seen below.

A Glimpse Ahead…

As mentioned earlier, friction can impede innovation and progress. Customer appetites to experiment must be measured for a variety of reasons. The Genesys Cloud, along with AppFoundry, aims to reduce those friction points as much as possible by enabling our customers an opportunity to experiment with new ways to deliver customer and agent experiences.

Later this year, we’ll introduce the ability for Genesys Cloud customers to try Premium Client Applications for free. We want our customers to sample our great AppFoundry vendor offerings without the typical friction associated with proof-of-concept hassles—placing an order, procuring hardware, installing software, complicated setups, etc. Genesys Cloud customers can experience the value of our vendor offering and try new capabilities in a frictionless manner. We believe our customers will be able to deliver better experiences with incredible time-to-value.

To find out what’s available for each Genesys platform, browse our unique selection of offerings in AppFoundry and discover new ways to improve your customer experience.