One of the strengths of a digital customer engagement platform is that it gives employees a single interface to manage all digital channels — web messaging, SMS, phone calls, messaging apps and email. But what about other niche or specialty channels?

Most businesses today also engage with customers through online review sites like Yelp or Trustpilot, commenting plug-ins such as Facebook Comment Plugin and Disqus, niche messaging or social apps, and homegrown solutions. Typically, companies manage these channels through disparate, standalone applications. That makes it difficult for marketing organizations to get a unified view of the customer.

New Open Messaging for Genesys Cloud™ is a lightweight integration that enables brands to manage third-party channels or custom messaging apps alongside their traditional offerings for a true multichannel view of the customer.

Open messaging

Use cases include:

Review Sites: Customers view peer feedback as one of the most valuable pieces of information they can gather before making a purchase. Brands can now integrate all major review sites so employees can quickly respond to thank a customer for a positive review or reach out to a dissatisfied customer.

Gif trustpilot   review site

Homegrown Messaging Solutions: Many companies use proprietary messaging solutions to communicate with customers. For example, travelers can communicate with a vacation rental site’s host directly through their mobile app. These interactions are now visible alongside other customer communications— phone calls, social media interactions and chats. Instead of having to switch back and forth between the homegrown app and the customer experience platform, agents can view the entire customer relationship in a single app.

Comment Plugins: Comments from customers often express disappointment with a brand’s performance or a request for help or further assistance. Without integration into a customer experience (CX) platform, comment data often is neglected or left unanswered because of a lack of awareness. With Open Messaging, comments from popular plugins automatically feed into a unified customer experience interface, eliminating the siloed experience for employees — and enhancing customer profile with data about all customer interactions.

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Specialty Social and Messaging Channels: Popular messaging apps and social channels can vary based on region or industry. With many traditional CX platforms, supporting channels outside of the mainstream options can be difficult, if not impossible. With Open Messaging, companies can integrate all specialty apps they support for communicating with niche audiences or customers who live in specific regions or prefer to communicate on an alternate channel.

As customer channel preferences continue to evolve, CX systems must evolve with them. Open Messaging APIs give companies the flexibility to keep pace with consumer expectations and interact with them through their preferred channels. Learn more in the Developer Center.