There’s no time for complacency in customer experience (CX). Companies need to move at the speed of the customer, which means keeping pace with the latest CX strategies, technologies and trends.

That’s where Xperience 2022 comes in.

Genesys annual customer conference is loaded with insights on what’s now, what’s new and what’s next in customer experience — from AI and cloud to digital transformation and customer journey orchestration. Industry experts will examine broad concepts like digital empathy and get deep into the details on the latest technologies in CX. And, of course, we’ll provide firsthand examples of it all from our customers’ perspective.

Here are a few of the themes I’m most excited about.

Putting on Customers’ Digital Shoes

Empathy in CX today is more than agents providing a sympathetic ear when a frustrated customer calls. It’s all about putting yourself in your customers’ shoes throughout the customer experience and all the journeys that comprise it.

We’ll discuss how businesses can transform their digital capabilities — from the first self-service touch to conversion. “We’ll reveal how companies can learn and adjust faster than their competition, and deliver personalized, empathetic experiences at scale,” said Coty Smith, Director of Product Management for the Genesys DX™ solution, when I asked for a sneak peek into the Xperience digital CX sessions.

And organizations such as E.ON Energy UK and Orvis will discuss how they’re winning with digital-first CX strategies.

Deep Diving Into Industries

While themes like digital empathy transcend industries, strategies like customer engagement are often industry specific. Xperience sessions will provide fresh insights into overcoming today’s toughest industry challenges, like keeping up with direct-to-consumer companies in retail, rebuilding trust with travelers in hospitality, reducing customer effort in the healthcare patient experience and building retention through Banking as a Service.

Our sessions on insurance are one example. As customers increasingly adopt digital channels, insurers also must adjust their interaction channels and customer journeys, so they can better anticipate customer needs and deliver on them — at scale.

“We’ll share how the industry is shifting and how a value framework approach aligned to key use cases and journeys can help insurers accelerate CX program adoption,” said Manan Sagar, Global Head of Insurance at Genesys.

Unboxing All the CX Tech Toys

Like a child excitedly opening a pile of birthday gifts, attendees will be spoiled for choice when deciding which technology-focused sessions to join. Xperience sessions cover everything from conversational AI and bot strategies to exploring the AppFoundry® Marketplace and building an ecosystem. We’ll also explore how to optimize contact center performance with customer journey measurement. Plus, get even deeper insights from the numerous demos as well as fresh perspectives in user groups.

“In an environment where change and uncertainty are the norm, the right CX technologies can transform them into advantages,” said Jason Alley, Senior Director, Product Marketing for the Genesys Cloud™ platform. “We’ll share new insights like the impact composability is making on CX and employee experience strategies and investments. And we’ll discuss how to turn innovation into a real-time behavior that everyone can adopt to create experiences their competitors have yet to imagine.”

Creating Great Employee Experiences, Too

Customer experiences will fall flat without engaged employees behind them. One key theme of Xperience is how to shift from workforce optimization to workforce engagement strategies and technologies.

We’ll examine what it takes to transition to a modern-day workforce engagement management platform from users’ firsthand experience at companies such as Company Nurse and Twiddy & Company vacation home rentals. And we’ll look at ways to meet the expectations of today’s more demanding employees.

“You need to stay ahead of changes in employee expectations as CX continues to be the differentiator for winning organizations,” said Rakesh Tailor, Senior Director of Product Management at Genesys. “That’s why we’ll discuss how to manage your future of workforce and build ‘anti-fragility’ into everything you do.”

As Genesys Chairman and CEO Tony Bates points out, customer experience has changed forever. That’s why companies such as Lumen and SCL Health, that are sharing their stories at Xperience, are taking a customer-lead approach to designing their customer experience strategies. Now’s the time to make the critical shifts needed to deliver personalized, empathetic experiences at scale to customers and employees alike.

Join us at Xperience to find out how.