We’ve known for quite some time that we have something incredible in the Genesys PureCloud® platform. Case in point: revenue for our cloud-based omnichannel contact center platform grew 400 percent in 2017 alone.

As excited as I am about that, I have even better news to share: Forrester Consulting (“Forrester”) recently conducted a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to determine the financial impact the PureCloud platform can deliver. We commissioned the study to give companies a framework they can use when considering a move from a legacy, on-premises contact center solution to a modern customer experience platform.

The results are in – and they’re astounding! I sat down recently with my team to sum it all up.

You might be thinking, “Wait, an ROI over 570 percent in just three years?!”

Yes, you heard that correctly. And, I have to say, I can’t remember ever seeing such great cost savings and business benefits in the cloud contact center solutions market.

But, wait. There’s more.

According to Forrester’s analysis, a composite organization using the Genesys PureCloud platform can realize benefits totaling $5.1 million over three years. In addition to the ROI and Net Present Value numbers I already mentioned, the quantified benefits contributing to that value include:

  • Improved productivity by $2.6 million: The PureCloud platform helps to reduce handle times, improve visibility and enhance internal collaboration capabilities, increasing overall productivity by as much as 25 percent.
  • Avoided previous solution and scalability costs of $2.0 million: Hefty upfront investment for hardware and software associated with on-premises solutions (or refactored platform to the cloud) for voice, email and web chat are eliminated with the shift to the PureCloud platform. Cost savings also stem from reduced maintenance, labor and IT support costs. In addition, moving to the PureCloud platform can be more cost-effective than scaling up legacy environments to accommodate business growth, resulting in significant savings.
  • Enhanced employee retention resulting in a benefit of $255,000: Employee satisfaction is bolstered by the PureCloud platform’s ease of use. In fact, after implementation, employee turnover was cut in half!

With numbers like that, why wouldn’t you select the PureCloud platform to power better customer and employee engagement?

Getting to the Numbers

Forrester analyzed financial and qualitative information from six established PureCloud customers across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Prior to using the PureCloud platform, the customers interviewed for the TEI study used a variety of on-premises or limited capability contact center solutions. They were difficult to scale, lacked central visibility, and in many cases, required multiple platforms to provide the capabilities and channels necessary to manage a modern call center.

Forrester developed a composite organization based on data gathered from the customer interviews and applied their proprietary TEI framework, resulting in a comprehensive ROI analysis that details areas financially affected.

To take a closer look at the results, download the Total Economic Impact™ of Genesys PureCloud.