Let’s face it: Having your call center in the cloud is becoming table stakes. Whether you’re already in the cloud or still on-premises, you might not be meeting your customers’ expectations or seeing the results your leadership requires. It might be time to upgrade your call center. The question is how to go about it.

There are quite a few call center providers to choose from — and many more configuration options on top of that. Selecting the right vendor and the right tools to ensure you meet the increasing demands of your stakeholders can be intimidating.

I recently spoke with Chrissy Linzy, Senior Director, Experience Innovation at Genesys, about this very topic. This is what she said:

“A few years ago, when I worked at Red Hat, we knew that it was time to improve our customer experience and our contact center infrastructure. I was the lucky one in charge of making sense of our options. I had to review a lot of complicated information, interpret different vendors’ marketing-speak, align our technical needs with our business needs and, ultimately, make a big decision that would improve the customer experience and lower our costs.  

That’s why I’m so excited about our upcoming webinar with Art Schoeller. This webinar will help others overcome these — sometimes overwhelming — challenges of selecting the right call center provider for your business. I wish I would have had access to this information back then.”

Upgrading your call center can be a daunting task. But you’re not alone. Join us on October 23, when guest speaker Art Schoeller, Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester, shares the criteria to look for in a cloud contact center solution to help you make a vendor selection. He’ll also stress the importance of an all-in-one solution and finding a product that fits your needs today — and tomorrow.

The Importance of an All-in-One Solution

You hear it all the time: Vendors, analysts and industry experts urge you to adopt an all-in-one solution. But when you start to explore all-in-one solutions, there are many definitions and equivocal language to decipher. On top of that, many vendors say their solution is “all-in-one,” but you know they can’t all be.

In the webinar, you’ll learn what all-in-one really means and how a true all-in-one solution can eliminate complexity, minimize costs and reduce frustrations associated with maintaining and integrating multiple applications. As customers increasingly use more sophisticated technology and expect to interact with your call center in similar ways, using integrated tools that are managed from a single orchestration point is the best path to enable employees and enhance the customer experience.

Buy and Build a Solution That Fits Your Needs Today and Tomorrow

It doesn’t have to be a choice between building or buying a new contact center solution. It’s a matter of identifying and meeting your business needs today so you can meet the customer expectations of tomorrow.

When change is our only constant, you need a solution that’s built for it. The perfect contact center configuration today might not be so perfect next week, next month or next year. As your business grows, your call center solution should grow with you. It should let you venture into new areas — artificial intelligence, bots, machine learning — while standing firm on a solid foundation. Technology should make it easier for you and not become a barrier.

Let Art show you how a solution that’s built for change can prepare your organization for whatever the future holds. Whether you want out-of-the-box functionality that’s easy to use and offers the ability to engage with customers on any channel starting on Day 1, or the ability to build anything you can imagine using open APIs, the right solution supports the secret sauce that is your business.

Don’t let outdated, restrictive technology limit your potential. As a trailblazer for positive change in your organization, this webinar is for you. We’ll arm you with the knowledge to level-up to a better cloud contact center. Register now for the webinar “Level-up to a (better) cloud contact center.”