How iconic firms manage customer experience expertly across channels and ecosystems

Most customers engage with a company through multiple channels and ecosystems, and iconic companies understand how to manage and leverage these ubiquitous relationships. In a recent briefing paper, Getting to Iconic, MIT Technology Review surveyed more than 550 senior executives from many of the world’s top companies to identify what they all have in common, including how they respond to the dual pressures of customer satisfaction performance goals and efficiency.

In our first infographic on the report findings, we looked at how iconic companies set themselves apart in the way they engage with customers. The second infographic, Driven to Satisfy, shows how these forward-thinking companies establish customer satisfaction goals throughout their CX operations—and why. Explore the latest infographic below and see why expert management of your ecosystems can deliver unexpected benefits.

The Big Takeaways 

1Know your customers’ journeys and empower them to use the channel they prefer.

Iconic companies guide customers to select the right channel for the desired experience. Making that journey seamless is a top priority.

2Use analytics to better understand customer preferences.

Using big data to understand customers improves efficiencies and lets you offer a consistent context and experience for all customers.

3Drawing ecosystem partners closer has its limitations when it comes to customer insight.

Iconic companies hold partners to a common customer experience standard. But good ecosystem management doesn’t mean sharing unique and proprietary customer insight—which can be a competitive advantage.

Successful Companies Focus on the Entire Customer Journey

Download the MIT Technology Review paper and take a deep dive into how iconic companies balance talent and technology to build stronger customer relationships.