Today’s customers demand a lot from your company. They want an experience that anticipates their needs and responds to them intelligently, when and how they prefer. They want personalized, hassle-free interactions—across channels and locations.

But understanding those expectations and delivering exceptional experiences across platforms and channels is difficult if your contact center continues to operate with aging, inflexible and costly legacy technologies. And it creates a lot of challenges for IT managers.

In order to make the customer experience a winning differentiator for your business, you need to replace your legacy platforms and migrate to the cloud. And while the road to digital transformation may seem unclear or daunting, with expert guidance, success is within reach.

Here are some tips from IT managers:

  • Customer expectations. Develop a deeper understanding of end-customer expectations, to gain insight into the “why” behind the requests and requirements from the business.
  • User needs. Understand the vision for employee engagement, and what is driving that vision.
  • Best practices. No need to re-invent the wheel or do this alone. Leverage best practices for a successful transformation.
  • Consider the cloud. A cloud-based approach can enable and accelerate digital transformation and deliver powerful business benefits. Win. Win.
  • Select the right provider. You need more than a technology vendor; look for a partner that delivers results, who will be with you all the way, and has the references to prove it.
  • Understand the plan – expect a proven, repeatable migration plan, rooted in best practices.

If you’re an IT manager ready to become a digital transformation hero, learn more from the Frost & Sullivan infographic.

Check out the on-demand webinar, “Customer showcase: Real-world lessons from legacy contact center migrations,” featuring Coca-Cola—delivering on “brand promise” through customer care innovation. During the session, Nicole Thomas, AVP, Service Solutions, Coca-Cola Business Services North America LLC, shares her journey of contact center technology and business transformation.