Customer feedback plays an essential role within organizations, allowing you to obtain invaluable customer data and adapt the delivery of your customer experience accordingly.

Today, almost all companies are conducting customer feedback surveys in order to gain a better understanding of how their customers view their business, products, and services, as often the customer journey as a whole. But the fact is that the CX feedback you’re basing key decisions on, could well be misleading, inaccurate, incomplete, or just plain wrong.  It’s not that your customers are lying to you or not ‘coming clean’, rather, the feedback you do get is not giving you the complete picture.

What are today’s barriers to effective CX feedback?

Here’s a problem: If your CX feedback strategy isn’t effective, efficient, and informed by best practice, chances are, this will impact negatively on your results or you are making decisions based upon the wrong information.

In a world where you can’t move without being surveyed, it may be that your own CX feedback is at odds with your aims.  These are the issues today and some of the questions you should ask yourself:

  • Are your customers being sent surveys indiscriminately?
  • Are the surveys too long and too often?
  • Are your customers receiving surveys more than 24 hours after the event in question?
  • Are you not asking survey questions that are tailored specifically to each customer, that apply only to them?
  • Is your mobile audience rejecting calls that come from a number not in their contact list?
  • Are your customer surveys being sent via a single channel, rather than the one they prefer?

If the answer to any of the questions above is yes, it is likely to be having a significant impact on the amount and quality of CX feedback you are receiving.  Your decisions could also be based on either the wrong information or an incomplete picture.

So what does this mean for you?

There are a number of ways that the factors above can be impacting upon your CX feedback.

Firstly, if surveys are being sent out indiscriminately (especially likely by other suppliers to YOUR customers), it’s highly likely that your customers are already suffering from survey fatigue – meaning they are less likely to complete your customer experience survey and if they do, the information they provide probably won’t be extensive, accurate or unbiased.

If you aren’t reaching out to the right people, at the right time, via the right channels, you’re likely to have high survey rejection rates and a possible demographic bias in your results.  One way or another, the limited feedback you do receive will be demographically biased, distorted, only coming from the older time-rich or worse, only your detractors.

If your surveys are sent out too late after the original event you wish to measure, you’ll also find that much of the feedback you receive is based on poor memory recall, prejudice, is no longer relevant, and can’t be considered reliable.

What does this mean for your customer experience?

If the CX feedback you are receiving is inaccurate or misleading, it could be having a significant impact on the customer experience you deliver, or the part of the customer journey on which you focus.

If you aren’t receiving accurate feedback, you’re not listening to your customers’ real voice and, as such your decisions will be based on an incomplete picture, with a large percentage of your audience missing from the results.

What’s more, if you don’t have sufficient, accurate data, your staff will continue to make their customer experience decisions based upon their gut feelings and opinions, rather than facts and data. This can lead to poor decision-making and, as a result, a poor customer experience.

From your customers’ point of view, if they take the time to provide feedback, they will expect to see improvements or updates to your service. If this doesn’t happen because you didn’t have access to the necessary data, your customers won’t feel valued and not notice any changes.

So what’s the solution?

Bringing together the core benefits offered by the best omnichannel customer handling solution, Genesys PureCloud and VIRTUATell’s market leading omnichannel CX feedback solution, Synaptum®, your CX feedback process are driven by the best combination of technologies available, that will deliver fast, accurate, and customer friendly CX feedback you can rely on.

The combined power of PureCloud and VIRTUATell’s Synaptum integration takes automated, omnichannel CX feedback to the next level.  PureCloud real-time events trigger the right Synaptum customer survey request, on the right channel, whilst the PureCloud data access and VIRTUATell’s DataFuse® can deliver huge intelligence to your Synaptum, merged with your CX feedback results.  That means you don’t just collect surveys, you have powerful, deep analytic capability to cross reference and filter results by any business criteria you have available.

Based on the data available from PureCloud, VIRTUATell’s AI-based CXBot® uses all you know about the customer, to control and deliver short, 100% relevant survey questions, on the right channel and in real-time, eliminating survey fatigue and driving response rates sky high.

In addition to all this, VIRTUATell are experts when it comes to uncovering deep CX insight and our dedicated CX Insight Team will help you drive a market leading CX strategy, backed by secure, roles-based analytic dashboards, real-time response management and omnichannel survey control.

For further information about how the combination of Genesys PureCloud and VIRTUATell can deliver the next generation of CX feedback, watch their on-demand webinar at your convenience and request a survey demo today.

This post was co-authored by the VIRTUATell team.